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Justin POV

I was eat my cereal. I went to that stupid gossip show.

lady: Justin bieber said he's in love with his ex who is it

guy: maybe Selena

lady: I think Caitlin they were the cutest

guy: yea

lady: who do you think it is

guy: maybe Ariana they just broke

lady: did you see her with the famous viner Nash when Justin was trying to sing to her

guy: yeah like Justin I think she might have a interest in thoughts viner boys I bet alex or Bach

lady: nash or Destorm

guy: well she calls Alex her boo thats flirting

lady: maybe

Guy: yea I think they are over

Lady: yeah she has a interests or though boys look at Alex kiss her cheek when she finish singing she was blushing

Guy: yea

I got so mad I punch the wall my grandma came to my room.

Grandma: baby what happen

Me: look

Grandma: baby I'm sorry but they are friends

Me: look at her blush when he blush her cheek

Grandma: she's in love with you

Me: no she's over me why do I even bother I'm quieting music and staying here with you

I went on twitter to see Ari post a picture of her Nash wrapping there arms around each other's waist and kissing what. Then there was another picture of her and Destorm on her head on his shoulder and the picture said with with the bro I love him he's like my best friend so are the other viner I wouldn't trade them for the world love you guys. And hen she retweeted Alex which said I love my boo bear Ariana she's my best friend like people should shut up cause I will tell you when we date okay I love her til the end. Arian went tweeted I love you too boo bear and yea I will tell you when I date some one new and I'm single after what happen with my ex

????: Justin Justin Justin wake up Justin wake up Justin wake

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