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Charlie POV

So me and Jessa meet a year ago I was on British idol and I came in 3 with my friend and she was singing during the show and backstage I went up to her.

Me: Jessa Bieber

Jessa: yes oh Charlie from bars and melody

Me: you know my name

Jessa: yeah you got amazing voice

Me: thank you so do you

Jessa : thanks

Me: I was wondering if we can we can like

Jessa: Charlie are you asking me out

Me: yeah what do you say

Jessa: I say when's our first date

Me: we'll I'm leaving today I half to go on the Ellen show but how about you show me around California

Jessa: yeah but would you like to come on my plane

Me: sure

Me my mom bars and his mom. On the plane there was a couch and Jessa cuddle up me and I gave her my jacket. Jessa fell asleep on my lap and when she did my mom walked over to me.

Mom: what's up with you too

Me: we're dating

Mom: awww

Me: I'm going to the bathroom

Mom: okay

I was in the bathroom and I splash water on my face. I looked at myself and smiled like I'm dating the girl of my dreams. Like she's perfect she's sweet beautiful kind and thinks of other. I went and walked out of the bathroom to see my mom and Jessa talking. I sat next to Jessa with my arm around her waist.

Mom: so she's would be nice when Charlie was around and when he wasn't mean

Jessa: what

Me: oh her

Jessa: so that was almost your first girlfriend

Me: yeah

Jessa: whose you first

Me: you

Jessa: and your my first

Me: yeah

Jessa and I were talking while my mom sat in her seat. Me and Jessa started talking about our life. After the plane ride me and Jessa didn't hold hand. Because we just started I'm not sure if she wants to tell the world. We went in the car and started driving right when we got to Jessa house. Jessa hugged me and went inside I smiled as we drove to the Ellen. We smiled and got ready for our performance on Ellen. When Ellen introduce us me and bars we both walked out. And we started singing our song hopeful.

Ellen: hi

Me: hi

Ellen: you guys are amazing

Us: thank you

Ellen: I have two special guest

Me: who

Ellen: Justin and Jessa come on out

All I saw was Jessa and justin come out and I looked at Jessa like dang.

Ellen: I asked Jessa to come cause she your age and she could help and I asked her dad cause hes extremely big pop star

Justin: yeah

Ellen: justin what advice do you have for these boys

Justin: stay humble remember where you came from and whatever your going through write it

Ellen: Jessa

Jessa: your gonna meet and date people don't let that affect who you are and try and be normal take time to be normal teenagers

Ellen: yeah anything else

Justin: yeah umm just remember it started with the fans it ends with the fans no matter what

Bars: thanks you

Me: thank you

Them: your welcome

Backstage I went up to Jessa to see she told me about telling her parents about us.

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