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Justin POV

Me and jacky we're watching a movie but it's not the same without my baby girl. I looked at my phone and text her but she didn't text back. I was worried cause when ever we fight we text each to make your were okay.

Me: jacky I think something up

Jacky: why

Me: she's not calling or texting me back and she always call or text

Jacky: I'll go see where she is

Me: thank you

Jacky be right back

Jacky POV

I went to bachs house he open the door

Me: is Ariana here

Bach: no

Me: don't lie

Bach: no

Me: your lying Bach where is she

Bach: no where


Bach went and covered my mouth and tie me up I look to my side and see Ariana.

Me: what happen

Ariana: he's gonna kill me

Me: no *whisper* I'm free

Bach came he went and made ari kiss him when he wasn't look I punched him in the face repeatedly I told Ariana to go when I was done me and Ariana drove to a hotel. I went called Justin for him and the kids to come to this hotel.

Ariana: why me why

Me: Ariana I'm so sorry

Ariana rolled up in a ball and cried herself to sleep. Justin came in the room and wrapped his arms around her while the kids and I fell asleep in the other room. I feel do bad for her like she's like my sister.

Justin POV

I feel asleep with Ariana in my arms. I woke to hear someone crying and Ari wasn't next to me I ran to the bathroom to see Ariana with a razor cry I went to it away from her.

Ariana: I need it

Me: no you don't

Ariana: I need it I need it

Me: baby you don't your better than it

Ariana: give it back now Justin

Me: I can't

Ariana: you can't stop me

Me: yes I could

Jacky: what's going on

Ariana: I'm going for a walk

Me: no you have kids don't do it think about them first

Ariana: I did your a wonderful father and this isn't right

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