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Justin P O V

Me: oh my god babe you brought out my best friends

Ari: yea but you guys hang out I will be out for a little bit

Me: thank you

After Ariana left me Ryan and Chaz went play some bleach cops after black cop we play flappy bird my high score was 246 I was freaking happy. Me and the boys were being dum then they asked me what I got Ari.

Me: I got her this ring she always wanted

Ryan: aww

Me: shut up dude

Ryan: ok

Me: so are you two dating

Ryan: no

Chaz: single is my life

Me: we'll I can't wait tomorrow

Ryan: why

Me: all of us plus Calitin and Ari are gonna hang

Chaz: ok


I went left the house and went to Starbucks when I got there this guy was trying to hit on me.

Him: hey do you got a name

Me: Ariana

Him: do you want to go ou-

Me: I got a boyfriend

Lady: here's your frappe

I went grabbed my food left and went to my car when I got there somebody put a cloth in my face I tried to fight them but I knew I was gonna die I just knew there was no chance. After a while I woke up to see somebody clapping it was Selena I tried to punch her but I was tied up. She went and slap me you all know I'm not mean but she has to get punched right now.

Selena: hey Ari

Me: what you want

Selena: Justin back and you are gonna pay

Me: why girl you scared cause I have a better butt and boobs than your oops

Selena: girl mine are real

Me: sure as real as Nikki's

Selena: yea yours

Me: honey theses are a 1000 percent real unlike yours

Selena: you know what babe come here

I couldn't believe it I thought me and him were friends

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