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Justin POV

Me: why

Ari: I will tell you on the way there just help me bring my things to the ca

I went put everything in the car and started driving to the airport I worn dee what happen why was she gone for to long.

Me: what happen baby

Ari: ok um I was at Starbucks and I order my usual this not tried to hit on my I rejected him I went out side to my car next thing I know I woke up in this house in the woods I heard some one clapping it was Selena say she was gonna take you from me and then my brother Jai and My co-star Sam came out then Jai said he wanted me back and the other 3 wanted to get rid of me then Jai tried to rap me but I took this metal thing and beat him until blood came out I slipped out through the window ran to the police station they took me to your house I packed everything

Me: oh my god baby I knew I should of went with you

Ari: for real lets leave Justin I don't want to be here

Me: were we going

Ari: um we are living with Usher

Me: okay

Ari: okay babe

Me: we here

We got on the plane it was getting on the plane I went sat down and pulled Ari on my lap and quickly she fell asleep.


When I woke up I see usher oh my god he scared me to death. I woke up to see Justin and him talk

Me: oh my god usher you are trying to kill me

Usher: Ariana your trying to kill me

Justin: ok guys

Usher: so Ari do you want to tell me what happen

Me: can we do it later

Usher: yeah I'm here for

Me: umm I'm going to eat

Justin: ok baby

~at dunk and donuts~

Since I'm here in alt so I could walk down the street everyone here is famous. So I'm happy about that when I got to dunk and donut I saw Justin. I smiled and kept on walking then he came over to me.

Justin: come with me

Me: why Justin

Justin: baby it's important please

Me: okay let's go

We go into this van and I see Selena wait what Justin why are we here so many thoughts and question went through my head


What do you think will happen



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