What am I?

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Justin POV

Lately Ari being worried but I don't know I hope she's not cheating on me. I love her she's the one I want to marry the one I want to have kids with. She been this way for a week. But I'm trying not to think about it. I went woke up earlier and started packing while I was packing my phone was ringing.

Me: hello

Someone: hey the people from CSI

Me: hey

Them: hey we wanted to know if you wanted to do a Jason McCann 2 but this time your Jason twin and you got a secret.

Me: yeah this is an honor

Them: yep when ever your back in atl call us and we will set us a date and things

Me: thank you

Them: yep bye

I went clicked end and finish packing up. While I was packing I turned around and saw Ari at the door.

Me: baby

Ari: hey

I went up to her and bent down to kiss her lips.

Me: come on sit on the bed

We went sat on the bed Ari on my lap. I went wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and looked into her eyes.

Me: what up baby

Ari: what you mean

Me: lately you been nervous around me

Ari: baby would you ever leave me

Me: never ever I might get mad but I'll never leave you I love you to much

Ari: well there something I want to tell you but not now

Me: okay

Ari: I want to tell you when the time is right

Me: okay

Ariana POV

I went on my phone and text James.

hey um how do I change into a werewolf ~Ari

you got to focus on being a werewolf that full moon stuff is bull ~ James

Okay you need to teach me about this stuff ~Ari

Sure ~James

I went outside I told Justin I had to get something. I went out to the woods and out of no where I see James.

Me: hey

James: I knew you would be here

Me: how

James: I came here to for my first time

Me: well I'm gonna marry Justin and I want to him but ughh how do I tell him

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