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Ariana's P.O.V

Omg me and Justin walked out we were at Disney land omg. I told Justin my idea of a perfect date is if I could go to Disney only with no one around I said that like a year ago when we started being friends.

Me: j-Justin

Justin: yea babe

Me: I love you

Justin: I love you too I bought out the park for you babe

Me: thanks

Justin went put his arm around me and kissed my cheek. I went laid my head on Justin's shoulder while we were walking. Justin went and played one gam (any game you can think of) and won me a bear. We keep on walking and we went on a few rides which some one them were really scary but Justin held on to my hand and told me everything's gonna be alright. I was staring to get hungry but by Justin know me so we'll he notice.

Justin: baby what do you want fries, hamburg, anything you want

Me: umm a hamburg who be great

Justin went order me my food and his we went and sat down at our sits. It feels wears with no one hear but I get to be alone with Justin.

Justin: Ari you have something on your lip

Ariana: OMG where

Justin went put some barque sauce on my lips I was about to whip it of but Justin said.

Justin: babe I got it

He went pressed his lips against mine for a while. Then we finished are foods and left while we were walking around I got a text I pulled out my phone it was from Jay I know cause he always call and text me since we broke up.

Jai: Ariana I know your with Justin on your perfect date we'll soon bieber will be out of the picture so we could get back together

Me: umm no never you cheated on me and I know Justin will never hurt me I trust him with all my heart and he loves me too

~~At Justin's house~

Justin: mom we need to talk

Pattie: yes baby

Justin: me and Ariana are dating

Pattie: OMG kids I'm so happy for you too


What do you think of the text Ari got from Jai

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