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Jacob POV

13th kid of Jariana

Aye I'm Jacob 14 and no I do not have a twin I was born on January 4th and Jasmine was born December 30. Yeah but today everyone is gonna meet my girl everyone knows I'm dating but no one knows who. I can't wait my family gonna fined out today and later my fans will fine out. it's the fouth of July so the whole family is having a cookout.

Me: hey mom

Mom: when do I get to meet you girl friend

Me: she's coming now her mom just drop her off

My girl knocked on the door I took her inside and kissed and her took to the kitchen,

Me: mom this is

Mom: Rachel

Rachel: hi miss Bieber

Me: mom don't say anything it's a surprise

Mom: okay

Rachel: is jay here

Mom: yeah he's upstairs in his room

Rachel: okay thanks

Rachel went upstairs and mom took me to the pool room no one was there

Mom: baby his ex

Me: me and talked when the day they broke up and later on we talked and I started liking her she liked me and we want to make it official so we did. mom this is our choice

Mom: I know baby

Me: plus he cheated on her

Mom: baby I know don't do that to her jay didn't mean to but if you do

Me: I won't I promise

Mom: okay

Me: need help

Mom: yeah baby can you start cooking this meat on the grill

Me: okay

I went outside basically the whole family was outside me and rose were playing around who would cook it

Rose: please

Me: fine I'm doing the next round

Rose: fine

It was 8 and we were all outside talking and stuff. From where we love we can see fireworks from the park. I got a text from Rachel saying I love you. Me and my mom brought out the drinks but it's time now or never.

Me: so we all know I'm dating and everyone what's to know who I'm dating Rachel

Everyone was shocked cause they thought we were brother and sister

Rose: really

Me: yeah

Dad: we'll cheers to Rachel and Jacob and for everyone else whose in a relationship

We all took a ship of our juice or soda. Me and Rachel sat next to each other the whole time during the fireworks.

Rachel: I love you

Me: I love you too

Rachel: wanna do it know

Me: yeah

We went upstairs and I took my laptop and I had my live fed of a lot of people were watching me. Rachel was right next to me.

Me: hey I'm gonna answer some of your question on twitter and yeah I got a surprise later

I went on Twitter to see a lot of question.

Me: first question am I really dating umm yes I am

Rachel: second question is for me it's how do I feel about jay and Miley dating? Honestly I love jay as a brother and I new it wasn't gonna work but it was worth a try to see what would happen

Me: Rachel who were you shocked to meet

Rachel: I was shocked to meet Jariana and Beyoncé the worst

Me: why

Rachel: I was a big fan of your dad and I'm still am but I died inside when I meet them

Me: wow

Rachel: justin

Me: justin okay

Rachel: we were just talking about him I mean Jacob but any advice to get follow from you

Me: not really just be you and i might follow you who said that

Rachel: @whiteboyybieber with two y's

Me: we'll white boy Bieber you just got followed

Rachel: what's a turn On for you

Me: for dating

Rachel: yeah

Me: she half to be full of energy not afraid to speak her mind and just being herself

Rachel: you heard that

Me: Rachel what type of skin color of guy do you date

Rachel: I don't have a type

Me: we'll what color skin have you dated the most

Rachel: Puerto Rican and white

Me: okay

Rachel: 2 two more then tell them your surprise

Me: okay this question says Jacob which family me ever do I really get slog with the most? I get along with all of them but maybe for the guys James and for the girl either rose or Jessica

Rachel: what but not least it says Jacob what's the surprise

Me: so a lot you know I've been dating someone we'll everyone had ideas of who we'll I'm dating Rachel

I went and kissed Rachel then her cheek she smiled as she play the video we made. So everyone at home was watching it while we were making out. when it finished I look it the camera and said my my queen forever I love you. Rachel blushed as she blushed and my arm was around her shoulder and I kissed her forehead and we signed off. I went downstairs to see my whole family just kidding around.

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