Come alone

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Justin POV

Me: baby girl you ready

Ariana: more than I'll ever be

Me: that's my girl

Ariana: well your girl can't wait to marry you

Me: I can't wait either after everything we went through with getting to kidnap rap people during having to kill people

Ariana: its all over

Me: it is

Ariana: baby let's go on the plane

Me: okay

We went on the plane to the Bahamas's. I went but the kids in there sit and buckled them up. After a few hours we got off the plane I told Justin me Bella and Jazzy are gonna buy some milk.

Justin: okay

We went grab the milk and went to the hotel. When I got there Justin smiled and pick me up

Me: baby you excited

Justin: yeah

Me: baby I'm gonna be on Instagram

Justin: okay

When I went on Instagram there was a hashtag said to download wattpad so I did. When it finish downloading I went made my account and search Jariana. See there were so many I went clicked on this one with a cute cover. And when I read it it was saying I sleep around.

Me: Justin

Justin looked and read it he took my phone to see it was wattpad.

Justin: baby this app where kids write down some story's baby non of it's true

Me: okay

Justin: and plus I know you wouldn't cheat on me

Me: yeah I know

Justin: baby let's put some music

Me: ok

Justin went and put on ride by somo I love this song. He went on top off me and started kissing me. I started giggling and he keep on. But Bella was crying and Chantal came in the room.

Me: yea

Chantal: Ariana Bella woke up I tried to put her to bed for jazzy and Jaxon.

Me: go back to bed I got this

I went took Bella to our room.

Justin: baby

Me: yeah

Justin: you are gonna be the best mother to my kids

Me: oh we never talked about the girls

Justin: okay boys Justin jr. And girl

Me: I want to keep the j name going

Justin: Jennifer for your friend

Me: yeah I'm gonna text her

Justin: do you want me to take Bella

Me: thank you

Justin: go baby

I went took my phone to see I had a text. It said hey Ariana your so beautiful I'm Jaden maybe we can hang and I got something that you might want if you want it back you better meet me to the closes alley near you when everyone's asleep. I looked at Justin to see he was asleep and so was Bella. I went put her in her crib and went to the alley.

Him: hi Ariana

Me: who are you

Him: Jaden I already told you that

Me: what do you want

Jaden: I heard you are dating Justin Bieber

Me: yes

Jaden: we'll

He went and started taking me some where. We were at a dance studio why are we here.

Jaden POV

I went turned on the music and started dancing with her. She doesn't know me so I stop it.

Me: do you want to know more about me

Ariana: yeah

Me: middle school friend before I left to Florida

Ariana: I don't remember

Me: okay you should remember this

Ariana: okay

Me: you first kiss was with the bad boy during truth or dare

Ariana: oh yeah I forgot what happen to him I had the biggest crush on him

Me: we'll thank you

Ariana: wait what

Me: yeah

Ariana: I never thought I would see you again

Me: yeah

Ariana: what you doing here

Me: trying to find you I mean I want to hang out with conceited

Ariana: oh yeah he's in New York

Me: yeah I saw you too during wild'n out the family reunion

Ariana: that was funny

Me: umm I have something else to tell you

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