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Rachel POV

Today I'm meet up with Jacob were going out for lunch then I'm going to his concert.

Me: baby you excited for your concert

Jacob: yeah what do you want to eat

Me: subway

Jacob: okay

We walked to subway and eat there a lot of people inside and outside were watching. I had some sauce on my lips and Jacob smiled and kissed my lips.

Me: do I have anymore

Jacob: yeah

Me: where

Jacob: your lips cheeks forehead

Me: really bae

Jacob: yeah

When we were done we smiled and got in the car. Later at the concert me and Jacob were in the prayer circle. I smiled and kissed Jacob. Jacob gonna singing hold you down. During the song I came out and sang it with him.

Me: I'm gonna hold you down I'm the one that's gonna hold you down

Jacob: I'm the one that's gonna hold you down

After the song I was on stage I still had my mic.

Me: so if any of you guy know me you'll know my favorite song if you don't it's call body parts by Ciara

Ciara: wait you ain't gonna sing it without me

Jacob: I'm just gonna watch

The music started me Ciara smiled and hugged each other.

Me: aye you ready

Ciara: yeah he can't keep his hands off me

Me: alright let's go

Ciara: my body is your party baby nobody invited but your baby

Me: I could do it slow now let me what you want baby put your phone down you should turn it off

Me and Ciara went back and forth through the song and we were having so much fun. Ciara my Bestfriend so I support her through everything. After the concert Jacob came back and hugged me.

Jacob: I'm gonna hold you down

I smiled as I hugged him.

3 months later

I was getting ready for mine and Jacobs date. I smiled smoking I follow the smell to see my house was on fired. I tired to use the exit but a piece of wood from house fell on my leg and I couldn't move


I slowly started falling a sleep when I saw a figure pick me up and I was out.

Rachel's dream

I look to see Ciara and me singing to this new song the Jacob came and hugged.

Jacob: hey baby

Me: hi

Jacob: how's lil Jacob or lil Rachel doing

I look down to see Jacob rubbing my stomach. I was trying to say what is he talking about but for some reason I couldn't all I could say it's good.

Jacob: 1 more month

Me: yeah

I didn't get it Jacob rubbed my hand to see there was a ring on it.

Me: how long we've been married

Jacob: 2 years now baby I know it was hard with the pregnancy loss baby I know you want to keep it but here's our chance for another one

Me: I know I'm ready so are you

Jacob: yeah

But then everything went black

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