Its time to be like me

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Ariana POV

Jazzy started shaking like crazy.


Justin: what happen baby

Me: jazzy she's shaking

Justin went and left and then came back with a doctor. He went gave Jazzy a shot and she stopped shaking I went brought her to the room while Justin and the doctor started talking.

Me: what happen

Justin: she went into shock he said she was to worried and sad about our dad during she went into shock

Me: will she be okay

Justin: yeah

Me: when we land how about me and jaxon split up from you and Jazzy

Justin: sure

Me: okay


Me and Jaxon we walking around he so cute. I went and kiss his cheek and carried him.

Justin POV

me and jazzy went to walk around flordia. I smiled seeing her smile she's so cute I love her to death. We went walking and went to our hotel its the best hotel in Miami. I smiled as me and jazzy went to the elevator. oh no no no no please no.

I went and called Ariana to see where she is.

Ariana POV

Guy: Ariana

Me: yes

The guy went and bit my neck owww my neck hurt what did he do that for .

Guy: now your gonna be just like me

Me: what are you

Guy: I'm a

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