I'll do it

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Justin POV

Doctor: she's not gonna make it

Me: what

Doctor: her ab blood positive and we dont have much of that she will live  for about 3 hours

Me: I will help

Doctor: she need 15 ounce and we cant let you take out more than two

Me: wait my beliebers will help she will live I promise you that

Doctor: okay I will be back

Me: okay

@justinbieber hey guys I need a huge favor @Arianagrande might die we are in the same hospital I was born in help she has 3 hours. @justinbieber I need people with ab blood positive to donate at the place I was born. @justinbieber hey guys I want to let you know believe be positive I love you guys until I die you have always been there for me I love you guys forever  I went and tweeted and in a few seconds there people commented on my way.  There was this tweet that made me happy. @believe199431 if  I lived there I would die to see yoy happy I would give her all my blood  I want to she you happy Then I sat down and started praying to god. I went called my mom.

Me: mom ease come down to the hospital I was born at

Mom: why

Me: Ariana might not live I want you here for her she love you like her own mother

Mom: okay give me 7 minutes

Then the doctor came and looked at me.

Doctor: she's gonna live we got a bunch of people helping thanks to you Mr. Bieber

Doctor POV

I went and walked into Ariana's room to see Ariana there in her bed. Then I saw a nurse come up to me.

Nurse: when are you gonna tell Mr. bieber about what happen to Miss. Grande

Me: Selena

Nurse: yes did you do what I saw

Me: please I didn't were's my money

Selena: is she dead I mean dead

Me: I think so im not a real doctor

Selena: wow Frankie

Me: hey I cant wait to get this masked off

Selena: yeah me too I hate looking like those people

Me: so babe let's go to the bathroom I need to help those beautiful lips of yours

Selena: are you sure

Me: yea

Justin POV

Me: hey mom

Mom: how is she

Me: they say she's gonna make it you thirst mom

Mom: yes baby

Me: be right back

I went to get a drink with then I see a new doctor going into Ariana's room. The doctor rushed out getting the blood and a needle I started freaking out. Like is she gonna live will she die. Ugh baby live you are strong.

Doctor: hi im doctor Butler

Me: hi im Justin is Ariana going to be okay

Doctor: im not sure sir but lucky we still have our blood from yesterday

Me: what the doctor said 10 minutes ago there was no blood left

Doctor: we have a bunch of blood left that funny

the first doctor: hi Mr.Bieber

Doctor: who are you

The first doctor: im Mr. Butler

Doctor: funny im the only Mr.Butler

The first doctor: no

Doctor: and on your neck half of your skin is ripped off like someone bit it

The second doctor went ripped of the skin to the first doctor. To show Frankie oh my god I went to kill him but I did the same to the girl right next to him. It was Selena oh my god it girl wow.

Mom: Justin don't

Me: ugh why not he deserves it for what he did to the love of my life

Doctor: officer arrest them for attemptive murder

Officer: ok

Me: doctor is she gonna live

Doctor: son Mrs.Grande lost alot alot alot of blood and the cut was really deep so she


its getting crazy will Ari die or live

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