The vine crew

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Ariana POV

I woke up got ready and then went downstairs I saw Justin.

Justin: baby

Me: why are you up

Justin: we'll you guys gonna hang out me and my friends plus Jaxon are gonna have a guys day

Me: nothing dangerous

Justin: I won't

Me: okay baby I'm gonna throw up

I went ran upstairs and threw up. Justin was right there rubbing my back I went and stood there for a second then I got up.

Me: I'm good

Justin: okay baby

Me: Justin am I showing

Justin: yeah a little baby but it's fine your gonna be okay

Me: I know it's Justin I want to tell the world but I don't know how

Justin: during the concert um video chatting Instagram

Me: ugh it's hard

Justin: what's hard

Me: like I want to tell our fans but I want to keep it a secret at the same time

Justin: baby we could figure this out

Me: umm maybe we do a concert on Ellen video chatting it and maybe we bring out some cake that has purple in it to be different

Justin: okay

Me: so we both sing as long as you love me then love me like you do

Justin: okay let's call her and see for tomorrow

Me: okay

Justin: I'll be right back

Me: okay

I went to the kids room to wake them up when they finally woke up they went and got ready. I can't wait to have my own to do this I mean I love them but I'm not really a mother cause there not mine. But no I love them even though there not mine.

Justin: baby

Me: yeah

Justin: tomorrow and I told them you got a surprise

Me: okay I'm nervous but I feel weird doing it but with you I'm happy

Justin: I love you

Me: I love you too

I went downstairs because there was a knock at the door. I open it to see my guy friends I love them I can't wait just to tell them.

Me: hey

Bach: aye yo ma let me not get your number cause what you see is me and Alex don't need no married girl

Me: oh my god

Alex: hey boo

Me: hey

Nash: hey

Me: Nash

Nash: it's been forever

Me: yeah let me go get jazzy and we can go

I went upstairs and got jazzy which was already. We went downstairs to the guy she loves Nash the most since he's use to little kids cause of his sister.

Jazzy: Nash

Nash: jazzy

Justin: bye baby

Me: bye

Justin: have a good time and Alex protect her

Alex: what since I'm tall I'm suppose to know how to fight

Me: can you

Alex: yeah

Me: let's go to the mall

~ 1 hour of shopping~

After an hour of shopping we went to the food court. I went and got subway for me and jazzy.

Me: guys guess what

Them: what

Alex: I know

Me: wait

I went clean up jazzy Bach and Nash took a bit of there food.

Me: I'm pregnant

Nash went and spit on his food so it hit this girl

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