Justin Jr

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Justin jr

4th kid of Jariana

Hey I'm justin drew Bieber jr I'm 23 year old. Today's not a good day but I'm going to my girlfriends sister funeral. So I'm gonna pay my respects for her me her were tight. So right now her moms saying a few words about her and after her is me. I could tell the mom was almost done. So I grabbed out the speech I wrote and went on stage and I out my speech back in my pocket.

Me: Chantal was a up beat and honest very honest person I remember when I first meet her Chantal told me that song of my song were bad and she didn't care she would tell me I should do this better and that better and it was so funny I saw her as my little sister with a good taste in music cause every time she helped me on a song it became a hit she would always say right what your going through but connect it to other people. And I also remember I was playing with her saying she couldn't come paint balling cause she was a girl and we made a bet and she hit me with a paint ball with the paint ball gun and she looked at me and said don't let this get in your head I might dress and act girly girly at time but I could be a town boy then she also told me that day everyone have a double personality and you just half to express it and don't be ashamed if who you are and Chantal honestly teach me to stay a hundred to my self and if she was here right now I know she would say stop crying Bieber and keep your head up cause she hated when anyone cried or when anyone was sad and let's take a moment right now to remember Chantal and what she did to us nothing bad thing of the good times and remember that and then she'll always be in your her forever I love you sis forever and always.

I went back to my seat to see my girlfriend crying I went and hugged her and kissed her head. I went and took her outside and I hugged her. I was crying too but yoventura pulled away and looked at me.

Yoventura: stop crying Bieber

Me: yeah

Yoventura: it's hard saying goodbye but it'd the right thing to do

Me: yeah I love you

Yoventura: I love you too baby thank you for being here today

Me: anytime

With that me and yoventura walked back in holding hand.

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