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Ariana POV

So the kids are 4 months it's bend good the kids sleep a lot during the day a bit and at night. But now I'm going on tour with Justin so we have some babysitter which are the god parents. But I haven't seen Alfredo until I told him I was pregnant with them. So I want to know what's up but I'm busy now.

Me: baby ready for tour

Justin: yes give me my baby girl

Me: here you go

Justin: aww she's asleep

Me: I know so she's daddy little girl

Justin: yes she is

Me: we'll Justin mine

Justin: which Justin

Me: him

Justin: fine

Me: so when does Madison open up for us

Justin: yeah until she goes on tour which is in 5 months

Me: okay so we got a babysitter

Justin: we'll you need to go in hair and make up so where mom

Me: I'm giving jacky to usher and Justin jr can go with scooter and we stream the concert for them

Justin: okay here's jacky go get ready baby

Me: okay

Justin: baby

Me: yea

Justin: good luck

Me: thanks oh got to go

I went to hair and make up with jacky then usher walked in perfect.

Me: usher

Usher: yeah

Me: can you babysit for me

Usher: yes okay give me her

Me: thanks

Usher: aww she's asleep

Me: yeah I know

Usher: how does she take her milk

Me: we'll she like it warm so about 30 seconds I made 8 bottles 4 for her and 4 for jr

Usher: okay oh she's wearing her supra

Me: yeah both of them Justin bought them a bunch

Usher: we'll here

Usher gave me a shirt that said I love my godfather and signed his name on the bottom. it was so cute like everyone wants to spoil them.

Me: it's the cutest thing

Usher: it took a while but it finally came

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