Baby wake up

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Ariana POV

It was pattie singing I smiled and hugged her.

Pattie: he's okay

Me: he will wake up soon

Pattie: great

Me: yeah

Pattie: what happen

Me: Jasmine posted a picture of her and Justin getting comfortable like a couple and u told him he need to find out what he wants in life and he went home and hit the wall hit glass and banged his head against the wall 7 times.

Pattie: oh no

Me: it's all my fault

Pattie: it's not baby it's not

Me: I'm sorry

Pattie: baby it's okay like sit

Me: okay

I went and played be alright and look at Justin and kissed his cheek. And I went and bought the kids so snacks. I got pretzel and juice and I bought myself soda. I went back to then room and gave jazzy and Jaxon there food. honestly I love Justin but is this right like I love him but does he love me like I love him this is so hard ugh. I wish I could Justin know what he's thinking. Oh yeah I found out if I don't drink blood I not a vampire so I'm no vampire. I'm so happy but I'm a werewolf but I have one more week and I'm not a werewolf so my kids will be normal no question. I worried something will go wrong like there born way way to early. But I guess that happen to all first time moms. But I'm trying to focus on just me and Justin and our relationship.

Pattie POV

I'm disappointed with Justin I told him not to tell his anger control him and I also show him how to respect women and does this to his wife. Like I know he loves her to death but he needs to remember he can't be a wild kid he's about to be a father and he is a husband like I regret everything I did but happy too cause I had him.

Me: baby how about you stay with me

Ariana: no thanks I just need to fix the window and the kids can come home

Me: baby if you need help with anything please tell me

Ariana: how about me and you do like photo shoot for fun

Me: sure

Ari: and it will be you first

Me: I know

Ari: you will do fine your so pretty

Me: thanks baby

Ari: your welcome

Justin POV

I heard someone playing be alright then my mom sing. I love her but I couldn't open my eyes. I can't believe it like I lose my baby girl. I want to say sorry that's when I heard ari voice. She said I can't believe he did something this stupid like I want him to choose like does he want that girl who wants to break us up or me cause he half to choose cause I want the best for my kids and maybe the best is for us to go different ways. I tried to talk but if couldn't I man gonna be a man and own up to my responsibility. I love her then now and forever but I don't know I messed up. Then I beard Ariana say the worst thing that could happen if we split up the kids are in the middle which is honestly I don't want to hurt them. I tried really really hard to talk I can't I can't. Why is it so hard just to open my mouth and say I'm so sorry Ariana Grande Butera Bieber and I'll do anything to make it right to please forgive me. Then finally I open my mouth so I took my chance and speak.

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