Please leave

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Ariana POV

Destorm left the and I started crying think of what jai did but then I looked at Julianna and tried to be strong.

Justin: baby

Me: it's nothing it's in the past

Justin: baby why didn't you tell me

Me: it's nothing I'm better now okay

Justin: baby tell me the real reason why you cut

Me: I thought about everything bad that happen and I couldn't stop it

Justin baby

Me: I'm so sorry I'm so sorry

Justin: it's okay

Justin took Julianna and changed her I can't believe I did this. I went and fell and sleep.

Justin POV

I notice Ariana went to sleep I smiled and me and jacky and my mom was talking at my house.

Mom: I can't believe it

Me: yeah this is so hard for me

Jacky: it's hard for all of us

Me: yeah like I couldn't do anything for her cause she never told me she was so happy

Jacky: none of use knew it was gonna happen

Mom: i just want to see her

Me: she's getting her rest

Mom: I know

Me: I got to go check on her

Mom: okay

I went got up and left to the hospital on my way that I tweeted @justinbieber I love you all hear my belieber and people I love saying cutting make them better isn't true I love you all. @justinbieber please don't cut every time I look through time like it hurts cause my belieber are my family so it's hard. @justinbieber your all beautiful I hope you know it. And then I text Ariana saying I took the kids home I'll be there soon. I went grab my name tag and went to her room.

Ariana POV

When I woke up I grab my phone see Justin texted me says that he took the kids home and that jacky will watch them and will there soon. I sat up and went on Twitter to see Justin post @justinbieber I love you all hear my belieber and people I love saying cutting make them better isn't true I love you all. @justinbieber please don't cut every time I look through time like it hurts cause my belieber are my family so it's hard. @justinbieber your all beautiful I hope you know it. I smiled at it and looked through the pictures of us and smiled were always taking.

Justin: hey baby

Me: hey when can I leave

Justin: in the morning


Justin: baby please please don't do this again

Me: okay

Justin: okay I love you

Me: i love you more

Justin: umm Ariana

Me: yeah

Justin: I want you to know I love you forever but it think this is for the best

Me: don't say

Justin: Ariana I love you forever but baby maybe it time we end Jariana for good

Me: Justin please please don't leave

Justin: it's for the best for you I don't want to do this but it's the best for you

Me: I don't understand

Justin: baby I want the best for you and this is your best

Me: it's not cause your not there your killing me

Justin: baby I really do love you

Me: if you love me you would not do this

Justin: look at you

Me: please please

Justin: baby I want the best for you  please

Me: think about it Justin think about this we

Justin: baby it's gonna hurt me more

Me: don't do it please you could give me the paper all you want I'm not gonna sign it I'm not doing it

Justin: baby if you were in my show you would see were I'm coming from

Me: leave

Justin: what

Me: I don't want to hear it anymore I love you and you want to do this to me leane

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