Matthew Jr

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Matthew jr

Jennifer POV

Lately I haven't felt good today's Matthews birthday I'm going to the doctors before the party. So I'm going right now so I got up and left my house. Pretty soon I was at the hospital I walked in and quickly the saw me.

Doctor: hi Jennifer what's the problem

Me: I've been sick and not feeling good for a little bit

Doctor: I'll do a ultrasound just to make sure your bellys okay

Me: okay

After several long moments the doctor finish the ultrasound. The doctor took off the gel and I sat up

Doctor: so Jennifer you are pregnant

Me: what

Doctor: would you like to know the gender

Me: yes

The doctor told me I was pregnant with a boy I can't believe it me and Matthew did it once and now I'm pregnant with a little boy I'm naming him Matthew jr. I got thank the doctor and went home and got ready. I liked at my stomach now understanding why my stomach has gotten bigger a little bit and why I've been throwing up. I went and curled my hair and put on my dress. As I put on my heels Matthew texted me.

Matthew~ hey baby how you doing

Me~ I feel much much better baby xoxo

Matthew~ that's good baby me and my friends are going to hang out so I'll be home a little late

Me~ okay baby where hanging out tm

Matthew~ sure thing baby

Me~ I love you Matty

Matthew~ I love you too jenny

I smiled as I stood up and rubbed my stomach and went in my car and drove to Matthews birthdays party. I got everything ready while everyone arrived. Then Matthew was coming when he walked in he smiled looking around. He was looking for me, me and everyone planned not to tell him after a hour of hiding I told his friend to get him outside and he did. When Matthew came out I was looking up sky and he had his hands around my waist. He kissed when he did I turned around to look at him and we were kissing. When we stop his hands we still around my waist so I smiled and knew I had to tell him. I looked into brown eyes and smiled to let him know everything was okay but he knew everything wasn't alright.

Matthew: what baby

Me: I have some news

Matthew: what

Me: remember 5 months ago when we did it

Matthew: yeah baby I know we were weren't married and stuff but I love you

Me: I love you too

Matthew: what's the problem

Me: I love you so much that it's gonna be the 3 of us

Matthew: 3 wait your

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