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Justin POV

Today we are going home Ariana and I are happy we just shocked to have another kid. When we got home Ariana look into our room and she came back to me

Ariana: baby can you watch her and jazzy for me while the twins and Jaxon and me gonna get something

Me: yeah baby

Ariana: okay

Me: you sure you don't to watch her jazzy while I get the things

Ariana: okay

Me: here write down what you need

Ariana: baby wait follow me

We went to garage I look to see a car the was red i love it. If you looked on the side it said from nothing and the other side said to something. I smile and hugged her and kissed her forehead

Me: I love it

Ariana: good I design it for you

Me: thank you

Ariana: your welcome

Me: I want to ride this the first time as a family

Ariana: soon

Me: yea

Ariana: I'm gonna text you what we need

Me: okay

Ariana: bye

Ariana POV

I went back inside with Julianna Jaxon and Jazzy.

Me: jazzy Jaxon

Jazzy: yeah

Me: what do you want for dinner

Jazzy: Mac and cheese

Jaxon: yeah

Me: okay go watch spongebob

Jazzy: okay

Before I made dinner I went and text Justin what we needed.

To: Baby

Baby we need water milk diaper formula popcorn eggs and a baby blanket for Julianna

To: me

Okay baby be there soon I'm gonna get cookie for the kids

To: baby

Okay but not to much they have school tomorrow

To: me

Okay fine promise

I smiled and changed Juli after than I continue cooking. When I was done I gave Juli her bottle while me and the kids watch monster inc. Then Justin came through the doors and Justin Jr came and hugged me . While Jacky was holding Justin's hand.

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