Its over ariana

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Justin POV

Today Ariana gets out of the hospital indeed bad about what happen yesterday but I want the best for her. I love her to death she's my baby girl and look at what I caused her pain pain and pain. I love her and I want her to be happy and she's not happy with she's more in pain than happy. I half to do what's right for Ariana. I want her to understand that but she doesn't. The only thing I don't like doing is the kids like maybe Ariana will get all 3. I went made the kids some breakfast and jacky when we were done I went got the kids ready. I went to my and Ariana bedroom that's where jacky is stay and I got the guestroom. I woke jacky up and told her I was making breakfast.

Jacky: thank you so what you gonna do

Me: I want the best for her and if it mean a divorce it means a divorce I love her

Jacky: don't do it

Me: what else could I do

Jacky: she loves you make it work

Me: look at what I did to her

I went and grab the photo of us and our family knowing it's gonna be split up sucks. Should I really do this should I really get a divorce.

Ariana POV

Im getting out of the hospital I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do like I don't have Justin there with me. I got my things when Justin came in the room I push by him.

Justin: baby I'm sorry

Me: are we back together

Justin: this is all my fault you need someone better

Me: leave me alone

Nash POV

I'm picking up Ariana from the hospital she told me all about Justin and I fell bad for her. We went inside I went got a drink from me and Ariana. I got a text from my crush I smiled and texted her back and gave Ariana her drink she put it down and cried on my should while she did my crush text me again she said maybe we can go to the movie we haven't hanged out in a while xoxoxo. I texted her back sure when and where and I'll check if I'm not busy. Then Ariana cried more and I forgot about Ashley I thought about ari. Like I don't know she's different from every girl she just different.

Ariana POV

I went outside of the hospital and into the car I text Nash earlier to pick me up I told him literally everything I could text Alex cause half way around the world and I don't want to bother him but I will text him when he gets back. We went back to his place he sat down next to me and I cried on his shoulder how could Justin do this to me. Nash is like my brother I tell him everything. He went picked up my chin and kiss me what.

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