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Ariana POV

Bach: I'm gonna kill him

Me: no your not

Bach: your not gonna keep it

Me: I am I love him and I want this

Bach: Ari look at your future your 21 you two need to wait

Me: I love him plus I'm not giving up a chance of having two wonder things cause you don't expect it me if you are supportive of me as Alex you can exit my life cause you guys know I love him to death forever

Nash: I love you like a sister and I say if your ready to do this then do it

Me: thanks

Bach: yeah I will expect it it's just like I'm worried but your gonna be fine

Me: thanks umm let's go to Destorms house

Nash: ok

Me: whose driving

Bach: me

Me: yeah don't speed

Bach: fine

Alex: I'm gonna call our vining crew

Me: okay so me and and Nash sit in the back with jazzy

Alex: okay

We went to the car and drove off to Destorm place. On our way there Nash asked me a question

Nash: can I feel it

Me: yeah they don't move as much

Nash: wow

Me: what

Nash: you got the tinyest bump

Me: yeah can you tell

Nash: no but you were a work out addict

Me: yeah like now my stomach gonna grown

Nash: what you having

Me: a baby girl

Nash: aww a baby Ari in there

Me: yeah and a baby Justin

Nash: twins

Bach: we here

Me: good

I went carry jazzy out of the car and then took her hand. We went inside I saw Destorm I went and hugged him.

Me: is everyone here

D: yeah

Me: can you get them down here

D: okay

I went and grabbed a water for me and jazzy to share. Destorm don't care if I take a drink he hates when I ask cause we are all like family.

Jazzy: Ariana

Me: yeah

Jazzy: do you love Justin

Me: yes

Jazzy: do you love me

Me: very very much

I wonder why she's asking like I love her more than anything

Destorm: okay Ariana what you got to tell us

Me: I'm gonna have a baby

Destorm: Justin did this

Me: yes

Destorm: he better

Me: Destorm

Destorm: what you having

Me: twins

Jerry: oh what's the gender

Me: a boy and a girl

Jerry: name the boy jerry

Me: sorry me and Justin already picked

Jerry: what's the boy name

Me: Justin gets to choose and I got to do the girl

Destorm son: how old are you

Me: 21

Destorm son: how many months are you

Me: about 4

Destorm son: one more how long have you and Justin been married

Me: 4 months

Jerry: right after the wedding

Me: okay we get it I'm pregnant I'm gonna be fat soon my stomach is gonna be like a basketball

Jerry: we'll it's showing barely

Me: I know I'm throwing up so much

Jerry: are you more hungry

Me: yes extremely

Jazzy: I got to go pee pee

Me: let's go

Nash: I'll do it

Me: okay

Alex: so out of all of us she was the second to get married now second to have a kid

Me: yeah I'm only worried on if the babies are heathy

Alex: they will be

Me: okay

Destorm: we need to do this how about a cook out

Jazzy: all done

Me: good baby do you want a cook out here

Jazzy: yeah

Me: we are in

Destorm: great Sunday at 7

Me: sure I talk with Justin see if we are busy

Destorm: okay

Me: we'll we got to go

Jazzy: bye bye

Them: bye

Me: oh I'm on the Ellen show tomorrow and I'm gonna announce it

Jazzy: let's go

Me: okay

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