Hey buddy

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Justin POV

As we were leaving the studio I got a call from a random number saying to meet then at this location I dropped the kids and destorm off at the house and went to the location. To see someone looking at the floor I looked once to again to see Alfredo

Me: man

Alfredo: jb

Me: hey buddy what's up

Alfredo: a lot what about you

Me: I'm a father married

Alfredo: yeah

Me: where you go

Alfredo: there was family problems on Puerto Rico and I went then after I went home and help scooter with his artist and stuff. I meet a girl and yeah

Me: oh yeah man we'll Ariana missed you

Alfredo: my little sis

Me: where having a family day tomorrow you should come by to surprise

Alfredo: yeah me and my girl will come and come with me

Me: okay

Me and Alfredo walked down the street and walked in this house to see scooter I gave him a bro hug I haven't seen him in forever. We all sat down and talk about what's been up in our life and stuff and the drama and the things and I meet scooter girlfriend they been dating for a few months. I invite them to the cookout. I gave them my new number and left to the store and bought the food for the cookout. I can't wait it's gonna be so much fun. I went home to see Ariana a little upset she was probably worried where I was.

Ariana: baby where were you I called you like ten times

Me: I was busy with your surprise for tomorrow

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