whose at the door

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Ariana POV

I open the door to see Alex James, Mathew, Brandon Castillo, Nash Grief, Curtis Lepore, Jerry Purpdrank, king Bach, and Destrom power. If you guys don't know who they are there famous guy viner any way. Once I open the door Alex went and hugged me and spinner me around I love these guys the so funny.

Alex: I missed you we barely hang out

Me: I know all of us should have a vining day or something

Bach: yea let's do one know

Me: whose vine

Bach& alex& Destorm: me

Me: okay Destorm first

Destorm: yes

Me: okay

He went pulled out his phone and went to vine.

Destorm: yo guys were about to get turned up today I'm with I'm good friend Ariana

Me: hey guys go follow him on Instagram and twitter he's so funny

Destorm: and remember twerk it out

I smiled at him like for real twerk it out what this is why I love them.

Me: okay Bach turn

Alex: what

Pattie: you kids

Me: you guys didn't say happy birthday

Nash: happy birthday momma

Mathew: happy birthday Pattie

Justin POV

I smiled at Ariana she was having fun it's cute. Then I got mad when Bach did his vine he went up to Ariana he was like hey to ma the she was like are you Bach. Then he said yea he went and wrapped his arm around her waist. I went stood up and kissed my moms cheek and told her I would be back. I went walked out side about to get in my car when I heard someone call my name.

Ari: Justin where you going

Me: out

Ari: where baby

Me: I'm not your baby

Ari: what

Me: yea you obviously have though guys

Ari: there my friends and I thought they were yours

Me: my friend don't wrap the arms around my girl

Ari: that was Justin for a vine baby and the whole world thinks we broke up

Me: maybe we should

Ari: no I love you

Curtis: is everything okay

Me: I'm going

Ari: if you go that means you hate me if you stay then I know

Me: I'm gonna be out for a little bit

Ariana POV

I looked at Curtis and ran inside to Pattie.

Mom: what happen

Me: he broke up with me

Mom: what

Me: yeah all cause of a stupid vine Pattie can you talk to him for me

Mom: yeah baby

Me: umm it's your day so me and the guys did a little surprise for you

Mom: oh no

Bach: come on Pattie

Mom: okay

Scooter POV

I was in my office when Justin came in

Me: hey

Justin: I can't do this

Me: what dating being famous

Justin went showed me the vine.

Justin: I can't dude the girl I love so much I can't even tell anyone were dating

Me: you two picked this life and even if you quiet people will still want to know what up with you and stuff you are to famous

Justin: I know

King Bach POV

As me and Ariana And everyone was walking I keep on looking at her. Everyone even patties knows I like her and I might just ask her.

Me: Ariana can we talk over her

Ariana: sure be right back guys

Me: yea

Ariana: so what did yo-----

I went and kissed what the heck did I just do

Ariana: umm

Me: I'm sorry

Ariana: I'm sorry Bach I think of you as like a brother like you are the closest think have to a brother since what happen to Frankie

Me: I'm sorry

Ariana: look it's probably because I just got dump but give me a while and maybe we could happen

Me: yeah I would let's go

Ariana POV

It wasn't weird of what just happen I'm just shocked. I walked back into the first car and sat between Destorm and Alex cause out of all of them they are my favorites. And I'm feeling down and when I do they always find a way to keep me laughing.

Alex: what's up boo

Me: I'm just mad that Justin got pissed cause of a vine

Destorm: *in a girly voice* girl did you check your hot or not app

Me: no I'm not on it

Nash: *gasp* *in a girly voice* your not on hot or not why not

Me: I was in a relationship

Nash: *girly voice* you still do it I mean I did it

Me: yeah I know

Alex: did that make you feel better

Me: yeah I love you guys

Destorm: I love you sissy

Nash: I love you wifey

Yeah we call each other boo wifey sissy and stuff that's how we are. Even though we are all grown we still do. I love them to death like a family so ya

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