No Ari

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Justin POV

??: oh my god I love you can't they see that I'm don't think I'm better than anyone to be honest they are better than me and you only pick me up cause me feet hurt I'm done with this I can't do this any more

Me: Ari hey what are you saying

Ari: you can't do way better than me so I hope he can still be friends

Me: no Ari

Ari: it will stop it gets worst for me I can't even be happy with them bringing me down

Me: okay bye Ari


Once Justin left Ari ran to the couch and started crying. I walked over to her and started rubbing her back. She just kept on crying and crying

Ari: I can't deal with this

Me: why did you break up with him he loved you and wouldn't have cheated on you

Ari: what was I supposed to do nobody was gonna respect us and everyone thought I was gonna cheat and I want him to have fun

Me: he was with you and Justin gonna do a live video chat in 2 minutes

Ari: I'm gonna watch it can you get the computer

~a few minutes later~

Justin: before I answer any questions we'll I want to say that I love you guys and respect you but I know you love but Ariana was the girl I loved she was there she was always there to put a smile on my face like you guys do and we just broke up cause everyone got to her and all the media said she was using me but she wasn't Selena was she wanted fame and money but you guys liked her but you guys don't like it when I'm happy how about I don't date anyone ever cause that what you guys want then fine.

Fan: I love you Justin and Ariana I want you to back

Justin: thank you to all that respected Me and Ariana

Justin was still crying he was actually crying I couldn't take it I went and texted him. I half to text him

Me: hey Justin I was you crying I love you I just want you beliebers on it and they are okay with it

Justin: hey I don't matter what they say It don't matter what matters is how much we love each other hey some respect us some people do not everyone's gonna love us not everyone want us together

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