we are back

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Justin POV

Me and Ari are back together I'm so happy I don't want to media to get to her I love her and she loves me and thats all that matters like she was there for me when selena cheated we were both healing for the break up why cant people understand that. Me and Ari are gonna hangout today but before I left on instagram. @justinbieber I love each and every belieber whose been through thick and thin. @justinbieber a true beliebers whose here for the music not cause of my looks or who I date. I left the house picked up Ari and got some McDonald's and went to my house.

Me: Ari why did you to brake up

Ari: its media

Me: do you love

Ari: of course

Me: well that's all that matters

Ari: they just get to me

Me: they get worse

there was a knock at the door I got up answer it it was Jaxson and Jasmine I smiled and hugged them not to hard.

Me: hey

Jasmine: Ari

Ari: Jasmine

Jaxon: Justin

Me: yea

Jaxon: I hungfry

Me: I will go get yoy some food

I went made sandwiches I call Ari for help when she came I went gave her a kiss on the cheek. she smiled and hugged me.

Ari: hey we are not officially going out

Me: what

Ari: just kidding Justin

Me: you better girl

Jasmine: can we watch a movie

Me: sure

half way in the movie all three of them fell asleep so I went took out my phone and took a picture and post it on instagram. @Bizzle we were watching Monster university and this happen oh well I love you beautiful beliebers

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