The next chaper in our life

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Ariana POV

So this past week been normal me and my grand are connected by the hip he's gonna die one of these days some I want to be with him. So today's the wedding Pattie is helping me put it on me and Justin still have Bella. I was finally ready and it's time Jaxon and grandpa.

Me: okay Jaxon you ready

Jaxon: yeah

We went down the aisle holding hands I went kiss Frankie then Jaxon.

Priest: we our gathers here today to celebrate this too getting married Justin you may read your vow

Justin: i didn't write it cause I want it to be from the heart okay baby when I first saw you I new you the one but you were with Jai I decide to wait and see what would happen when we both got cheated on we were with each other I new we would be standing here today I love then now and forever your the only girl I see I mean yeah I got girl as friend but I would give everything up for you whenever I love you baby and will do anything to show you I want to grown old with you and to watch our children have here kids and find love like we did and your just the wonderful person in and off camera so baby will you take this ring and be my wife

Ariana: yes umm Justin when I firs meet you I didn't know what to do or say I had a school crush on you something told me I shouldn't have you that your to nice of a guy and I should go for someone who makes me feel low the we started dating you picked me up you made me smile and stuff you made me smile over the loss of my brother my mom my other mom and my dad you taught my how to love again and to have faith and believe anything was possible and that's what maybe me stand here today because I had you to fall back with you there to make me forget I was famous just make me have fun on what I missed out on even though I don't have a mom brother or sister you gave me three other people in life that loves me and that's all I could ask for I love you until death due us apart Justin Drew Bieber will you take this ring and be my husband

Justin: I do baby

Priest: I pronce you man and wife you may now kiss you your bride

Justin went and wrapped his arms around my and gave my a kiss like the first time we meet which is the best kiss I ever had. We went and drove off to the next location. We went got off the car and went inside it's on the beach. We went inside everyone was ready and on the table everyone sat down.

Justin: we'll everyone I got surprise for you ready

Justin went and started singing our song all of me which Justin and John is sing. I covered my mouth I was shocked. Then the beat to ride begging and then somo came out oh my god. Then the song ended

Justin: baby johns so is true I do give you all of me because we are going on vacation by our self for two weeks then our closest friend are coming baby and you choose where ever you want to go

Me: oh my god

Justin: everyone enjoy and have fun

After an hour I went grabbed a few famous people that we practice a song for Justin. Me Chris Justin timberlake somo John Alfredo Mario usher. Then the girls is me nicki becky g madison beer Calitin and more and we are doing a flash mob. And we played Justin's songs it gave slave to the rhyme so it's Usher went and stand doing his move he went over to me. I went hugged him and smiled

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