I had to tell you

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Justin POV

I went and tried to hurt James but Ari and James turned into a werewolf

Ari: baby don't do it okay he's the only one that could help me now

Justin: fine

Alfredo: I ain't you hurt my love


Me: I ain't you hurt my love I was but to hurt this guy but Justin stop me

Justin: stop leave him

Me: no he hurt her I told you the same thing I'm gonna tell him the same

Justin: fine

Me: James okay I want you with Ari I want you to be there cause I'm been there for here every step but I can't you half to do it and you need to teach her how to live like this

James: I will I know bestfriend was in your shoes a year ago

Me: I just want her safe I love her to much

James: and she will be but

Me: but what

James: she could have kids but theres a good chance they could end up like her

Me: can you be there for them

James: yeah

Me: well welcome to the family

James: okay but she's gonna be fine but she might have thoughts days when she want to eat people or animals

Ari: ewww

James: that's what you think im gonna help you but you will eat dead ones at the begging but you only need to eat them one for a week or two

Ari: okay

James: but you better be ready

Ari: I am

James POV

I went and took Alfredo for a talk.

Me: so who are you to her

Alfredo: well I'm like a brother to her its Justin I love her so much I don't want nothing to happen

Me: look I'm sorry I did this but my vampire self said a little bit

Alfredo: so since your gonna be apart of are life I want to know you

Me: sure

Alfredo: that thing about the sunlight is it true

Me: nope none of it

Alfredo: oh I'm sorry I'm just so amazed

Me: please I was worst the girl who did this to me I asked her like a million question

Alfredo: so dude how old are you

Me: 20

Alfredo: are age well where our live

Me: well I live bear you guys

Alfedo: what you mean

Me: umm she is my responsibility

Alfredo: oh

Me: yes and there something I didn't tell her cause I didn't want to stress her or I don't know but I don't want to tell herel

Alfredo: what

Me: I think she's

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