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Jessica POV

14th kid of Jariana

I'm 13 I am dance singer actor and model designer. I'm actually a model for Calvin, victorious secret, and stuff like that. I'm a singer for Beyoncé my dad doesn't want to sign us cause he wants us to do it on our own. I design for Bieber cloths the while family does apart in making clothes. I'm a dancer for basically everything hip hop ballet belly dancing and more. I'm actor for once upon a time, csi, American horror stories, once upon a time and more. I have so much on my plate but I make so much for being 13. anyways I barely even sleep anymore I go from place to place I do tv show after tv show then recording. I do everything I go to competitions. Plus me and my family are in this thing were we raise money for the homeless and we build homes. So today I half to wake up at 5 go to the recording studios till 8 then from 8 to 5 I'm acting for all my shows and TV movies. from 5 to 8 I'm modeling for all my stuff. From 8 to 11 I'm practicing my solo the group dance and my duet. 11 to 3 I'm drawing my new outfits and stuff for the Bieber cloths. So let's go I woke up at 4 and got ready for the recording studio I finished kinda early. I finished my whole album so since I was a hour early than I thought I went to the tv shows and started acting and the movies since we never took a break like I thought we were 2 and a half hours early. I went to the modeling but they were ready so I started doing my drawings for my outfits. I almost did 3 complete outs. When it was time for me to change in my out and I did. I finished at 7:50 which was perfect then i went to the studio and I already know my dances so I left at 10. I went homes and I finished up two more outfits. I went and fell asleep. When I woke up I couldn't talk. I text my dad saying something wrong. My dad rushed in looking worried.

Dad: what's wrong

I point at my throat say I couldn't talk

Dad: baby get dress I'm taking you to the hospital

I got dress and I text my boyfriend saying I'm going to the hospital today. It wasn't long before he text me back say why. When we got to the hospital a doctor quickly took me in.

Doctor: mrs. Bieber so what I understand you can't talk open up wide

The doctor looked at my lunges and back at my dad he say what do I do the day before.

Dad: at 5 she went to the recording studios till 8 then from 8 to she's acting for all her shows and TV movies. from 5 to 8 she modeling for all my stuff. From 8 to 11 She practicing her solo the group dance and her duet. 11 to 3 I'm drawing my new outfits and stuff for the Bieber cloths

Doctor: Is this normal for her

Dad: yes I tell to stop but she wants to do it on her own

Doctor: Jessica your working your self to much

I text my dad this is my life right here what about the fans.

Dad: what should we do

Doctor: this is just for a little bit okay don't talk at all today

I shook my head yes and we went home today was my day off. I am pushing my self i want to be the best I to prove people wrong I could do everything and I don't want to give it up. later on I got my voice back. But then I heard what happen to Rachel

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