Ariana umm ... She umm

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Alex POV

Justin: what

Me: good new or bad

Justin: any

Me: good news she's pregnant but in the future in about a year or two bad news is she since shes pregnant the baby will be the keeper to everything

Justin: what you mean

Me: you'll see later

Justin: okay

Me: she's going to wake up soon when we least expect it

Justin: so what we do

Me: do what you normally do go to studios and stuff and me and Destorm will watch her

Justin: I want to be there

Me: I'll call you

Justin: okay what about the kids

Me: destorm will help

Justin: okay ill go

Justin left and once he left i called destorm. I told him to pick up the kids I'm watching ariana. He said okay so while i was waiting i decided to touch ariana and see if i can see anything in her future. Once i touch her i saw 11 kids and Ariana was singing to them they looked like fans I saw Ariana touch her stomach but Justin didn't notice. I went took my heads off her head and did it again. I half to know my little sister will be okay. I looked into the future and saw Juliana and me on the beach. What are we doing but thats when the vision end because the kids came in. I smiled as i hugged the kids and sat them down and gave them some food. Julianna needed to take a bath so I gave her a bath. When I was put on her pj I had a vision. It was me and her having fun on the beach.

Destorm: Alex what's wrong

Me: I'm a vampire

Destorm: what

Me: okay me Ariana Justin are vampires

Destorm: dude can I be one

Me: yeah

I took him to Ariana bedroom and bit him then he bit me and he's a vampire.

Destorm: thanks were in it together

??: mommy

Me: juli

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