Let's go

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Justin POV

I woke up and started getting breakfast ready for ariana so I made some eggs ham sandwich orange and some pancakes. Im making today about my baby. When I finished I went woke up Ari.

Me: baby wake up

Ari: yea Justin

Me: he you go baby

Ari: aww

Me: baby I need you to get ready after you eat I got a surprise

Ari: okay baby

Me: I love you I'll be right back

Ari: okay thank you

Me: anything for my baby girl

I went text Ari's friend and told then to get ready that we will be there soon Ari just woke up. They said yea sure. I went got dress and clean the dishes. When I was done I went into the car and drove Ari to her surprise.

Ari: why we are here

Me: well you half to go in there and I'll be back

Ari: okay I love you

Me: bye I love you too

I went kissed her and drove of the studio to record my new song for my beliebers. Well its me and Madison.


I walked in to see Demi, Jen, Rue, Becky, and Taylor.

Me: hey Jen where's Jason

Jen: Justin took him

Me: what about you Becky

Becky: well Justin to my kid

Me: what did you have

Becky: a little girl I named her emily

Jen: well baby girl today's your day

Me: what

Becky: come with us

I went and got my nails done first I can't believe this what did he do. Like I trust Justin bieber what's up.

Me: so guys how you guys been

Demi: girl I have a prieme soon you all should come.

Me: sure

Jen: um what is it

Demi: its a little kid movie

Jen: okay yep I would go

Demi: okay

Me: so do you guys know what Justin

Taylor: yea but we can't say sorry

Rue: what color did you get your nails

Me: purple and blue how about you rue

Rue: pink

Me: oh I love it

Justin POV

I got ro the studio's with the kids. I walked into the booth

Me: hey Madison

Madison: hey and what

Me: I told my baby girl to go and relax while I watch her friends kids

Madison: aww

Me: yea

Madison: ready

Me: yea there asleep

We went into the recording booth with Madison and the kids. When we were done I went to the store bought the kids a little something. And I picked up Ari's gift and its only 11 am. I went and drop the girls home and drove to Ari gift

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