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Ariana POV

Me and Alex put the kids in the car and we went and drove back home Alex is gonna stay over. I went and carried Jennifer Jessa Jordyn while Alex carried jazzy rose. Then justin came downstairs and carried Jaxon juli and jacky. After I put the triplets upstairs I went to the car and carried justin jr up to his room and put him to bed. When all the kids were in there bed asleep me Justin and Alex put on a movie while Frankie was sleeping. I went upstairs to the bathroom and started throwing up and justin knew something was up so he followed me and rubbed my back I was so happy he's was next to me. But I just kept throwing up. Justin continued rubbing my back and out of no where he started sing be alright I smile cause of how sweet he was.

Justin: baby everything gonna be alright

Me: thank you baby it's probably morning sickness

Justin: come on let's go downstairs your probably tired baby

Me: yeah

I laid down on the couch/bed as I went to bed I heard Alex and justin talking about the new kid.

Justin POV

Me: I'm having another girl

Alex: oh dang 10 kids

Me: yeah but we got this

Alex: me you Ariana destorm and Mash got this were family

Me: where liane

Alex: she went to Florida to some family

Me: oh

Alex: but there 5 adults 10 kids we get 2 kids

Me: yeah me Alex

Alex: yeah

Me: why do you care so much

Alex: same reason you do I love her

Me: love her as brother and sis or like I do

Alex: both but more as a sis

Me: you had feelings for her

Alex: yeah we date for a while

Me: you did

Alex: yeah but I had a vampire to compel her to forget

Me: why

Alex: cause she meet and she started having feelings for the both and I told her if any I'm here by her side til the end as a brother or a boyfriend

Me: she loved you

Alex: you see the way she looks at you she looked at me that way and that how I knew she had feelings for you

Me: thanks man

Alex: yeah

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