Getting ready for the date

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Hey guy I have more than a 100 people reading thanks I do this for you
Ariana P.O.V

Me and Justin where still inside the studio of Ellen's I grabbed my phone and gave Justin a kiss when we were stopped by Ellen. She asked for the first picture of jariana so I gave Justin a kiss on the mouth. Ellen thanked us and we walked out of the building it have are first problem and you guessed it paps.

One paparazzi: Ariana are you going to give birth to Justin's baby

Two paparazzi: Ariana did you date Justin for fame

That on got me mad I love him how could they say that I'm dating him for fame but we have are first date later.

Three paparazzi: when did you two start dating

I got in the car and that's when we drove off that's when I was feeling down. Justin notice aww I don't want him worried.

Justin: babe what happen

Me: one of the the pap said I'm just dating you for fame

Justin: baby Ari I know you and I love you don't listen to them most of them are jealous cause the don't have a girlfriend but I got the best girl out there and plus some of them probably live with there mom

Me: I love so much

Justin: I love you too baby are dates later

Me: I know I need to get home soon what time

Justin: you have four and a half hours it's at 8

Me: okay I need to get home baby

Justin: that where we are heading

~at home~

I went took a hour bath. Then I went dried my hair and put on tv then guess what they were talking about jariana (think about tmz yea one of those what ever on you hate Ariana hate the same one). Man I don't like they alway say stuff about me and my career. They I hear is Ariana using Justin for fame it was the same paparazzi from earlier. I went curled my hair and when I finished I had two hours I painted my nails and toe nails when I finished I went on twitter @arianagrande hey guy I know you know me and @justinbieber are dating and no I'm not using him for fame. Then I went to tweet again @arianagrande hey doin a follow as much as I could I love you guys believe and never say never in your dreams. Then I start following as much people as I could thet said I couldn't follow people for a while but then i wrote down some names to follow later. I went looked at the time notice I had and a hour left I went put on my dress it was red on the top half and white on the other half then I did my make up which took 25 minutes. I went downstairs to my brother so talk and hang out.

Me: hey bro

Joe (her brother): hey Ariana aren't you going on your date

Me: yea Justin's coming soon

Joe: I saw Ellen

Me: oh

Joe: yea it was nice I liked it

Me: thanks bro

Joe: no problem

Then there was Justin in a tuxedos he was hot. Some of you guys might not know that I'm a huge belieber so its good. This is my dream and I'm living right here right now.

hey guys there's one question on my mind that only you could answer who do you ship together and if I think they make a cute couple or a lot of you ship them together I might do a story and ypu will be in my bio? ♥♥♥~~~ So ???+Justin= ??? be honest

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