What am i having

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Ariana POV

Pattie came in the room so did my vining crew. I smiled felling happy I have a kid.

Bach: dang again

Me: yeah

Alex: what is it

Me: say hello to Julianna

Alex: she's beautiful

Me: you guys want to hold her

Alex: me first

Me: here

Alex: yess

Me: the god parents my and Justin agreed you would be perfect it is

Justin: Alex

Me: and liane

Alex: okay she better get her shades

Liane: give me my god daughter

Alex: here

Liane: awwww

I look at my phone to see I got a text from Bach. It said aye why can't I be the god parent. I texted him back says sorry but Alex been there for me more and it was hard to choose. I went took Jacky and Justin Jr and sat them next to me on the hospital bed. Jacky first word was dada and Jr first word was mama. And they both started walking about a good 2 month ago.

Me: jazzy you want to hold her

Jazzy: yeah

Me: here

Alex: so how didn't you know you were pregnant

Me: that doctor said that the baby doesn't show signs sometime

Alex: oh

Me: yeah

Justin: baby

Me: yeah

Justin: can we talk

Me: guy can you give us a moment

Them: okay

Everyone stopped what they were doing and left the room.

Justin: baby I would like to say happy valentine day here

Me: you wrote me a song

Justin: kinda of

Me: it's our song

Justin: it's a disk of song that remind me of you or I wrote for you

Me: aww thank you we'll it's at home

Justin: no my gift is right in front of me

Me: awww

Justin: I love you

Me: I love you too

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