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3rd kid of Pattie and Mario

Pattie POV

I was at home with Justin and mario jr and we were talking and stuff catching up Dominic was in my stomach kicking really hard Justin and mario jr made me breakfast eggs bacon toast ham and stuff. While they were making my food the baby keep kicking I didn't think much of him I thought he was hunger so I'll feed him and no more kicking. After breakfast me and the boys kept talking but I left a liquid i looked at the floor to see water on the floor.

Me: Justin get the car

Justin ran out the house and mario helped me up and took me to the car. I was screaming in pain he wants to come out now and I mean now. Justin drove us quickly to the hospital. And a hour later mario came and it was also time to pushed. And at 12:34 Dominic was born mario help Dominic then Justin then Mario jr I smiled as the boys eyes light up when they say him then it was Gia turn and she kissed Dominic. She asked him if that was her brother and I said yeah baby he's your brother.

Justin: mom are you good

Mom: yeah baby

Justin: I'm going to take his and Mario jr to get us all some food

Mom: please baby

Justin: I'll be back

Me Mario and Dominic were the only one in the room Mario kissed me and I kissed him back and then Dominic of the head. My family. Justin brought back Chinese food cause lately that's my favorite and he came with flowers and a baby of things for his little brother and Gia and Mario jr had bags to and all three of them had a balloon saying its a boy. I smiled and hugged all of them and they gave me the gift and I said thank you as I kissed them all on the cheek. I looked at them and said thank you. This is my family and family means the world to me.

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