We have to go

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Ariana POV

Me and Justin been through everything together and honestly I would share this experience with anyone else I had a good time writing down all of my experience but it time to say goodbye from me and the rest of the Bieber family just remember to BELIEVE IN YOUR DREAM and NEVER SAY NEVER and your BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT I LOVE YOU 💘💎👑💋💍

Justin: baby are you done with your book

Me: I just finished

Justin noticed I was holding something in my had he looked at the item to see it was the build a bear he bought me the day I surprised him at his photoshoot the day I knew i love him.

Justin: I remember this

Me: this remains me of the day I fell in love with the best guy ever

Justin smiled and kissed me and I went downstairs to Matthew Jr in his crib I told Jennifer and Matthew we would watch him. I went and gave Matthew the teddy bear Justin made me.

Me: I don't need some dumb bear to tell me what I already know

Justin: and what's that

Me: that I love you and you love me

Justin: yeah but why him out of all the kids

Me: cause Jennifer and Matthew remains me of us when we started dating I mean we waited longer to have a kid but they love each other like we did

Justin: yeah

I went and kissed Justin and picked up Matthew and kissed his check.

Me: I can't believe we're here with this big family

Justin: yeah

Matthew: I love you

Me: I love you too

I smiled and looked at Justin and smiled for everything we had been through because at the end of the day this is my Bestfriend the person I would take a bullet for the person I can't live without.

Justin POV

I love this girl but I don't know what I would do without her. My phone went off and I looked to see it was someone.

Someone: I know about your little secret that you haven't told Ari the girl

Ariana: baby who that's

Me: the studio

Ariana: do you half to go in

Me: no I wanna spend time with my baby

Ariana: aww

I could feel the guilt eating me alive I wanted to tell Ariana so badly. I feel bad for lying to her this is my wife.

Me: baby can we talk

Ariana: yeah sure what's up

Me: I know your gonna get mad but listen first

Ariana: okay

Me: remember Selena

Ariana: yeah?

Me: one day she threatened to hurt you and I couldn't let her but it came with a price

Ariana: what was the price

Me: to give her a chance to have a kid

Ariana: you did it with her

Me: no baby I gave her my sperm to keep you safe I didn't think it would work but baby what I'm trying to say is I have a daughter

Ariana gave Matthew a toy to play with and sat on the bed thinking.

Me: I know I'm sorry I didn't tell you but when I was going to meet her she died cause of car crash last week

Ariana stood up and hugged me and I was crying. I feel so bad like this is my daughter but I didn't even get to know her.

Me: I feel so bad she was so happy to meet me and the day before she past away

Ariana: baby this is not your fault you could've have known and Selena didn't even tell you

Me: yeah I just wanted to know my daughter

Ariana: did she have any kids

Me: yeah one adoptive kid

Ariana: you can get to know him or her

Me: yeah

Ariana: how old is him or her

Me: he's 14

Ariana: we can take him in

Me: I love you baby

Ariana: we've been in worst situation and maybe he can tell you about you baby girl

Me: yeah I owe her at least that much to her

Ariana smiled and I looked at her and said okay?

Ariana: okay

Me: maybe okay will be our always

Ariana: yeah

Me: let's go

Ariana: we're babysitting

Me: so I pulled some strings and I got a friend to watch everyone's kids. Here put this one on okay we gotta go soon

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