Grandma and Grandpa

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Justin POV

I woke up to see we were in Canada. I went woke up Ariana while Jacky was crying crying.

Ariana: yeah

Me: we are here

Ariana: okay here give me jacky jr is crying

Me: okay

I went took Justin jr and grabbed some of the bag and me and Ariana went and checked inside. We went inside our room and started put or stuff a side. I went motion Ariana to sit on my lap.

Ariana: yeah

Me: how about not now but later maybe a year or two we try for another kid

Ariana: yeah we should

Me: okay

I went and started making out with her. We were having fun like I love her and I just can't believe she's mine.


It was about 2 pm and we and Ariana started getting up there yes we did it but I waited a good year. I went took a bath got ready and got Justin jr ready. I went put on his supra and went to Ariana.

Me: we are ready

Ariana: what you think about jacky in her little baby dress

Me: she looks so pretty

Ariana: good cause it's her first time seeing her grandparents

Me: we'll let's go

Ariana: okay

We went and got the kids and took them to there great grandparents house. I went knocked on the and my grandma came out and hugged her.

Grandma: give me my great grand children

Me: here's Justin Jr.

Ariana: here Bruice this is Jacky

Bruice: she looks just like you

Ariana: thank you

Grandma: baby what's been up

Me: we are gonna do a world tour

Grandma: is today your first day

Me: no yesterday we were in Atl

Grandma: oh how's Pattie

Me: great

Grandma: Ariana

Ariana: yeah

Grandma: how old are you

Ariana: 21

Grandma: wow your young

Ariana: thank

Grandma: how long you 2 were dating

Ariana: I new him for maybe 5 years we dated for 2 years and married for 4 months

Grandma: wow did you guys plan for this

Me: no not really it happen like we did want kids but later

Grandpa: how you tell him

Ariana: we'll I found out a little bit before Christmas so I went and told him for Christmas

Me: best present ever

Grandma: baby

Me: yeah

Grandma: what her full name

Ariana: I named her Jacky Lynn Bieber

Grandma: like Pattie

Ariana: yeah I want her to have the J name and to have Lynn in it

Grandma: I love it

Ariana: thank you

Me: we got to go

Grandma: bye

Grandpa: bye guys

We went back you to the hotel we but the kids to sleep in there play pin yeah since we can't that there thing her we took that instead.

Me: baby give me a kiss

Ariana: no

Me: please

Ariana: you got to do me a favor first

Me: what

Ariana: you got to kiss me me to but by surprise

Me: okay

Ariana went and we went to sleep. She went and cuddle with me. And we went to sleep we woke up and went to the concert

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