Surprise! Happy Birthday

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Justin POV

I open the door to see my family friends and Jasmine. Oh no I went hold Ariana back

Me: 8 months

Ariana: right Jasmine get out of my house

Jasmine: nope pregnant old lady

Ariana: oh no girl out of my house now I would say it but there kids around

Jasmine: no

Ariana: hey Chris Jasmine meet Chris Chris kick her out

Jasmine: you can't

Ariana: I could cause my name is on this property and your isn't

Jasmine: fine your all missing out

Alfredo: I thought you were gonna fight her

Ari: I may be 8 months but I'll fight her like don't come near me my husband or kids or watch what will happen

Me: you okay

Ari: we may half to go now

Me: what

Ari: owwww

Me: what happen

Ari: my water broke they are gonna come now!!!!!!!

Me: okay

Ari: pattie come on

We went in the car pattie drove the car while I was calming down ari.

Ari: I'm sorry it hurts so much

Me: there to moths early

Ari: what time is it

Me: 9:37

Ari: they maybe be born after your birthday

Me: I don't care it's the best gift ever

Ari: owe owe owe

Me: mom are close

Mom: baby were here

Ariana: ugh I feel the head

Ariana POV

They went took me upstairs and they asked me got the needle I said no. And they said family could come justin and Pattie came in

Me: where's the kids

Pattie: with usher

Me: okay

Doctor: Ariana you are so close and you just got her you might be only 5 minutes of the pain

Me: thank The Lord

The doctor went and left the room which felt like forever. Finally he came back with some nurses.

Doctor: push for my

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