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Jessa POV

9th kid of Jariana

Hey I'm Jessa and I'm 17 years old and my boyfriend is Charlie from bars and melodies. Me and Charlie been dating from a year today. Charlie been saying all day he's doing a music video for hopeful and he's so excited he wants me to be in it so I said sure why not. So right now I'm getting dress I'm this cute outfit. We are doing out first shoot where me and Charlie walk into the school office holding hand in Charlie's other hand he had a cored. Charlie sat in this seat when he plugged in the cored it started playing the beat for hopeful. Then they went to bars while I took the seat and sat to Charlie and now it was his turn. He looked at me grabbed my hand and said now I'm hopeful hopeful hopful for today. I smiled looking down when he said it. No one expect our family knows where dating people think we're dating cause of how much we hang out so much. Me and Charlie never had our first kiss. I don't know Charlie teas me by kissing my cheek but he wants my first kiss to be amazing. Any ways after the music video me and Charlie went out to the mall. Where we went to different stores as we were talking and stuff I didn't buy anything. Charlie and I decided to eat some subway. I tried to buy the food but he wouldn't let me. So after we eat Charlie looked me in the eye and smiled.

Charlie: you know I love you

Me: yeah and I love you

Charlie: happy one year baby

Me: aww you remember

Charlie: yes and here

I smiled at him and open the bag to see it was a necklace that said Charlie a box of chocolate. I smiled and hugged him while he help me put on the necklace.

Charlie: and this this is a promise ring that I'll always love you no matter what

Me: we'll baby I think it's time to go in the car so you'll get your gift

Charlie: my gift is in my car

Me: yeah

Charlie: dang

Me and Charlie went in his car and he started driving I went and grabbed his gift. I got him a jacket that on the back says Jessa mine and a hat that says Charlie written on the front and some sneakers that says bars and melodies and some jeans. Charlie smiled and kissed my cheek. Me and Charlie went to his house and we went upstairs to his room. Charlie went in his bathroom and tried on his outfit I went and tried on my matching outfit. We went to his mirror and took a picture together looking cute and stuff and then his mom took a picture of us hugging. Charlie went and kissed my cheek. Then we turned around to show the back of our to show it says Charlie's mine and Jessa mine. We went in Charlie's car and it felt like forever but we were at my house. I walked in to see candles in heart and big teddy bear. I smiled and hugged him he took me outside. Yes we still live on the beach me and Charlie we eating this picnic he set.

Charlie: I love you

Me: I love you too

Charlie: what time is it

Me: 11:11

I smiled and made a wish a then Charlie went and kissed me and all I heard was my family clapping his family people whistling. I smiled and kissed him back like this is our first kiss. I look to see everyone looking at us and I just hid in his shoulder. Embarrassed and Charlie smiled and whisper I got my 11:11 wish. I smiled blushing as it started raining we all inside. Me and my bae were holding hands inside and we sat on the couch. My older sis Jennifer smile as she was holding Matthew jr.

Alfredo: my good daughter had her first kiss

Me: stop it's nothing

Destorm: it was nothing when you kissed him back

Alex: or blush yeah girl I saw you

Julianna: guy shut up don't you remember your first kiss

Alex: yeah

Julianna: you were mine

Alex: that's different

Julianna: no

Alex: okay but it was cute

Charlie: she's mine

Destorm: maybe or my son might get at her

Charlie: nope

Me: oh my god can we stop

Alex: no

Charlie: sure but

Me: what

Charlie we and started kissing and all the guys started going screaming. The kiss felt like for ever. While we were kissing someone took a pic of us.

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