My life on Ellen

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Ariana POV

Ellen: she been on here so many times she's engaged to Justin Bieber say hello to Ariana

Me: hi

Ellen: whose this

Me: Bella

Ellen: aww is she yours

Me: no

Ellen: who is she

Me: well the lady who I thought was my mom was my adopted mom so I found my real mom I knew her for a week and she died during labor

Ellen: I'm so sorry

Me: its okay I got my brothers and sister back stage

Ellen: guys come on

My brothers and sistercame out and so did Justin jazzy and Jaxon. wow we got a big family.

Me: this is Luke this is James this is Chantal

Chantal: hi

Ellen: hey

Luke: your tall

Ellen: I know your small

Luke: yes

Ellen: how old are you

Luke: 6

Ellen: how about you Chantal

Chantal: 8

Ellen: hi James

James: hello

Ellen: how old are you

James: 18

Ellen: wow 3 years apart

James: yep

Ellen: so  Justin you guys hae had the worst news ever isn't it hard

Justin: yeah its hard and more hard when the world is watching

Ellen: yes

Justin: we want to be with are family so bad we are doing anything to be with them

Ellen: guy I'm here for you guys I wish you guys the best but you guys have a tour to look forward to

Justin: yes and the wedding to

Ellen: I'm invite

Me: yes I want you there

Ellen: okay so everyone for what these to you kids have been through me and some friend are gonna do a benefit to help them get the kids closes help James get education get the little girl a diapers and baby stuff and what ever money is left we are gonna help other girls or guys who have been through similar situation like Justin and Ariana okay we are gonna sell bieber hair autograph on line at my website we will tell you when it start

Me: oh my god thank you so much and me and Justin got a big surprise for the cancer patient we are donating a big amount to them for all cancer patient and we want to do this for avalanna and Jeremy we want kids with the same condition to have a good chance at living

Ellen: well honestly I'm happy to see you guys grow up and mature on the way but that's all the time we have for today bye

Justin: bye

Me: bye everyone

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