The news good or bad

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Justin POV

Ariana took a deep breath and looked at me

Me: baby what's wrongs

Ariana: it's about Avalanna

Me: what

Ariana: she's alive

Me: she can't be

Ariana: her parents lied they been keeping her away from the spot light

Me: I half to see her where is she

Ariana: baby listen

Me: what Ariana I love her like our kids

Ariana: her parents died in a crash her mom shield her that's how she lived

Me: baby

Ariana: I know your thinking and if you want to do it we'll do it

Me: thank you where is she

Ariana: there coming over with her

Me: oh my god I haven't seen her in 2 years

Ariana: I know

Me: she's 10 now

Ariana: yeah

After waiting forever so Avalanna she finally walk through the door she ran up to me and gave me a hug I looked on her hand to see the engagement ring.

Avalanna: Justin

Me: hey Avalanna

Avalanna: my mommy not here

Me: I know baby but you are how would you feel about living with me

Avalanna: good

Me: okay then

Avalanna: I'm mrs. Bieber

Me: yes you are

Avalanna: I'm tired

Me: here you can sleep here

Avalanna: with me

Me: yes give me a minutes mrs. Bieber

Me and Ariana went downstairs to living room after I put Avalanna to bed.

Ariana: I never thought you would call anyone mrs. Bieber but me after we got married

Me: Ariana

Ariana: Ariana nothing I'm okay with you calling her that I know how much you love her

Me: she's very special

Ariana: I know and your special to me too baby I love to see you smile

Me: I love you more

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