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Beyoncé POV

Finally I get my POV of everything so me and my husband broke up and lately I've been hanging more with justin and Ariana like when your with the both of them you can tell they love each other. I look as justin as my little brother he's always trying to make me smile. Yeah but since the divorce justin would come over and call cause since the divorce jay only saw his daughters 4 times so justin try's to be a father figure cause he know what's it's like not having a father in his life and he told me no kid should ever feel that way. So he would pick up blue ivy and Jordan and took them to the park and play or just to the zoo. And actually he's there godfather so he takes that roll seriously. Oh if you guy are wondering yes I know about justin being a vampire I'm the one that help him and ari and all of them control it so the world wouldn't know about us. I'm worried about the vampire baby's if they could control it. So I guess we'll see cause I know some people and they told me someone is gonna have a kid soon so let's see. A lot of people that could see the future usually doesn't say what they see cause there afaird they would destroy the future but it doesn't. Blue and Jordan dad was a werewolf. It's rare but she's a vampire/ werewolf it's really rare but it happens. Anyways I went to studio to see justin wait blue and Jordan ran up to justin he went and picked them up and kissed them on cheek we already wrote the song we just half to record it. It took us 2 hours justin is buying Ariana something for the cookout tomorrow blue ivy and jordan can't wait to play with the kids. When justin was down he hugged blue ivy Jordan and me and left to him car.

Blue: mommy

Me: yeah baby

Blue: is justin my daddy

Me: no baby he's not

I wish I had a guy like justin who truly loves me and not for the money and fame. Everyone that's famous wants what justin and Ariana has. Real love that will never end through anything.

Justin POV

I said goodbye to Beyoncé blue ivy and Jordan. They look at me as I gave them all kiss on the cheek. Blue and Jordan and like my kids and Beyoncé trust me with them to them I'm there father. I'm actually there godfather but since Jay z felt I step up to the father roll and 2 or 3 times a week mostly weekend I take them and yeah I let them have fun play with my kids and it's amazing cause I truly love them. So actually Beyoncé going on tour for a while and I promise her ill watch Jordan and then later on were switch kids. Yeah anyways as I was leaving I gotta a call

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