What do you get out if it

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Justin POV

Me: buddy umm mommy in haven

Jaxon: is that good or bad

Me: umm that's good and bad

Jaxon: why

Me: she's not coming back

Jaxon : ever

Me: ever

Jaxon went to Ariana. I went and told everyone I was gonna get food. I went got up and left the hospital. As I was walking I left someone was was behind me. I look to see Taylor

Taylor: its sad that jaxon won't have a mom

Me: okay you could have killed me but what do you achieve a little kid doesn't have his mother and the father got shot if you want to kill me do it here and now

Taylor: fine

She went took out her gun then a cop came and tazor her.

Me: she shoot my dad

Cop: son I heard it all she's going to jail for a whie

Me: thank you

I went hoped in my car and bought some McDonald's. Then I went to the stores and bought some toys for Jazzy and Jaxon. I bought Jazzy frozen toys yes she seen it and she love this girl name Elsa and olaf.

From: Becky g

To: me

hey Justin I wanted to know when we should we record are song and tomorrow we should hang put me and you and maybe Ariana if she wants to come bye Justin

From: Me

To: Becky g

hey Becky yea how about tomorrow or the next day and I'll ask Ariana text me what time tomorrow my last day off bye girl and let's go shopping I mean we really need to talk about hot guys girl love ya

From: Becky G

To: me

your so stupid and I love you to bby bye I got to record

Ariana POV

Jeremy: Ariana

Me: Yea

Jeremy: did he believe it

Me: yea

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