A day with Nash

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Nash POV

Me and ari are hang out with the park I rent it out cause me and the kids are going to throw water balloons at her.

Ari: the parks

Me: now

All the kids came out and we all hit each other with water balloons. Then after we were all done Ari was soaked and it was so funny.

Me: ready for round two teams

Ari: yeah

Me: so there 7 of us so head or tails

Ari: head

I flip to see it was heads so Ariana got to pick which kid goes on her side.

Ari: rose

Me: jacky

Ari: Justin jr

Me: juli

Ari: Avalanna

We got a box of water balloons then we wait for Nash to say go. When he did we all ran and started throwing the water balloons. Nash wrapped his arms arounds my waisted and started hitting me with water balloons. I smiled as he kissed my cheek Nash notice I was cold and he went back to his car and grab a jacket for me. Nash and me are going out I don't know where but he wants me to leave the kids with his mom who I trust very much but I'm leaving them with Pattie and she so excited cause she wants to have so time with her grandchildren. After I drop them off Nash took me to the movies and we saw 22 jump street which was extremely funny.

Nash: photo booth come on

Me: okay

Me and Nash start taking silly pictures. Once we were done people ask for our picture and we took them. Nash keep on trying to make me jealous. As we were walking to the car door Nash whispered your beautiful. I started blushing Nash went into the car and started driving while we were driving Nash held my hand. Nash kept looking at me and he would smile where are we going. As we were driving I notice it was 7. Nash and I pulled up to this park I look around there was no one here.

Me: why are we here

Nash: remember those swings

Me: isn't that where u asked me out

Nash: yep

Me: aww

Nash: as we hit 13 I had feelings for to but you was dating but then when you broke up I didn't want to ask you out then but every time I try to ask you out I got nervous

Me: you should of told me then cause I when we were 13-15 I had feelings for you

We were at the park for an hour and then he took me home and we went to my house and started to watch a movie.

Nash: why do you love Justin

Me: what

Nash: why do you love him

Me: I just do

Nash: oh

Me: why you ask

Nash: I don't know

Me: oh

Nash: ari

Me: yeah

Nash took a deep breath and looked at me something wrong.

Me: what

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