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Ariana POV

Yesterday all I thought about was being a vampire I want to be with Justin forever he's the love of my life. Anyways I'm going on the jimmy show to talk so let's see what happen.

Jimmy: hi

Me: hi

Jimmy: is this Julianna

Me: yes and here rose

Jimmy: awww

Me: yeah

Jimmy: how is it like 3 years ago having to raise two kids to now raising 7

Me: had cause I thought when I got married I would have to one or two kids by three years

Jimmy: you got more

Me: yep

Jimmy: so what's been up with you and Justin like is it true you to had a fight

Me: I've been with Justin for 5 years we've had our fights

Jimmy: yeah what's was the big fight we have

Me: while we were married there was a lot of drama so I mad a lot and me and Justin had argument and I told him I wanted a divorce

Jimmy: did you

Me: Justin made me remember that we've been through the worst and at the end our love helped us make it through it

Jimmy: what's one thing you love the most about Justin and hate the most

Me: I love you he is as a person he's not what everyone says that he's out of control

Jimmy: what you mean

Me: cause of what happen with the papazzi people think he's out of control he should be raising these kids

Jimmy: oh and what you hate

Me: there two one is when he say he have a surprise for me so he doesn't tell me

Jimmy: what's the other

Me: the facial hair like I'm on patties side like I still love him but I don't know when we kiss the facial hair feels weird

Jimmy: do you think he'll shave know he knows

Me: probably not but only time will to

??: okay

Me: Justin

Justin came out he smiled and hugged me. He sat down next to me with Juli on his lap.

Jimmy: so you just heard what Ariana love and hate about you

Justin: yeah

Jimmy: will you shave

Justin: maybe it's not a promise

Me: I knew it

Jimmy: so what do you about Ariana

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