What do i want

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Alex POV

I can't get over ari she my first love but I keep dream about me and Juliana my god daughter later on in life with two kids and me kissing Juliana kneck lips and I guess were married cause were wearing wedding rings. Julianna honestly looks beautiful she looks a lot like Ariana the kids look like us. We have two little girl they both have Julianna eye and Julianna's lip my ears. It looks like Juliana 21 but that's the age she'll always look since she'll be a vampire at the age. But for now I have feeling for Ariana but I think she's gonna pick Justin cause they have six kids together maybe seven so of course she's gonna pick the father of her kids if she choose me they wow I'm willing to do anything for if she my girlfriend Bestfriend whatever she is to me but she'll always be my Bestfriend before anyone. Anyways I'm wearing the shirt Ariana got me and the pants she bought me and the bell air 5's. When I was ready I picked up my subway cause I'm hungry this is my breakfast. Pretty so Ariana gonna found out the I compel her to forget about something that happen with her and and jai. And she might get mad at me but I had to I had no other choice.

Ariana POV

So lately I've been thinking about what do I want justin or Alex but every time I touch Alex I see him and juli with there kids so I'm not sure but I'm hanging out with Alex and justin while Nash and Frankie watch the kids cause I need to know what I want. When I was done we all went out to eat. We went bought subway and then went in the studio.

Justin: hey baby

Me: hey umm so I've been thinking about this so much lately and I want to be with justin

Justin: yes

Alex: still best friends

Me: yeah

Justin went to his car cause he wants to make sure the kids are good.

Alex: why justin

Me: cause everytime I touch you I see you and your future wife and you love her more than me

Alex: whose she

Me: juli

Alex: yeah

Me: I want you to be together

Alex and I were face to face look at each other when justin walked in and bang.

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