Night out

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Ariana POV

Me and Pattie are going to hang out today and talk. So we went to Starbucks to get a small latte. So after we got our drinks we went and started driving to the salon.

Justin POV

I went took Jaxon and Jazzy and drive to the zoo. I went got out of the car and got the kids out to.

Me: okay after the zoo if you too are good I got a surprise for you to

Jaxon: what

Me: you half to wait

I went took there hand and we walked inside I went paid for some food. and they went fed the giraffe and after that we went to wash our hands. Everything was going fine when I pass this little girl who was maybe she was 12.

Me: hey

Her: OMB its you I'm shaking

Me: and Jazzy and Jaxon

Her: OmB

Me: are you okay

Her: no

Me: what happen

Her: well me boyfriend broke up with me say I'm to fat and ugly for him

Me: remember what I said everyone is beautiful and he doesn't know what he missed out on cause I could tell you are a wonder full person

Her: thanks

Me: I got to get the kids home its getting cold

Her: bye and thank you so much

I went took the kids to get some ice cream. We went sat at the table while they eat there ice cream. They while they were eat I got a text. I looked at my phone it said hey Justin sorry my sister Selena couldn't do the job so I will and it so cute you and the kids what if something  happen to them. I went text back if you lay a single finger I'll kill you Selena wouldn't go that far cause what do they half to do with this there just 5 and 4  okay . I went looked at the kids to see they were done so we went in the car and drove to home.

Me: so I got a surprise

Jazzy: what

Me: I gat you too a toy in your room

Jaxon: yes

I went took them inside and they ran to there room. I smile and made the some sandwhichs. Then after I went and put on frozen for the kids while they eat.

Me: hello

??: hi sir you should come down to the hospitalumm someone said to call you

I went ran upstairs got the kids things and some toys and coloring books for them to play with


Jaxon: yes

Me: we got to go see Ariana

Jazzy: yea

I went got them ready and drove to the hospital. I went ran to the room be fore I could get the I saw someone cry. I went taped on there should.

Me: Hey

Ariana: hey baby

Me: wait if you are out here whose in there

Ariana: Justin I'm sorry but

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