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Ariana POV

We went on the plane back home. Me and Justin went into one of the rooms.

Me: so maybe we brake down this and make it a door for the kids room

Justin: yeah baby

Me: so now the color

Justin: we can wait your 4 four months

Me: yeah but I don't want to do it went I have a big stomach

Justin: okay

Me: this is gonna be hard

Justin: how about a theme

Me: what theme

Justin: okay so right here will be Justin Jr crib and then below it will be diaper station

Me: yeah

Justin: so we need to look on line for some of the baby stuff

Me: yes but later cause we got to get ready for dance cause we got to leave in 8 minutes

Justin: okay

Me: Justin

Justin: yeah

Me: ready for this tour

Justin: yeah special cause I got you three

Me: yeah

Justin: go get ready

Me: okay

I went put on my outfit put my hair in a ponytail. And I was ready but I got a text.

Demi~ hey Ari I heard you were pregnant last second but when you have a chance text me ASAP so we can hang I love you girl

Me~ yeah but I actually get ready for dance but when I'm done I will text you my schedule so we can hang

Demi~ okay

Me~ bye

Demi~ bye

I was walking past the kids rooms when I fell. Justin saw me and help me up and sat me on the couch

Justin: you okay

Me: yes I fell on my butt baby it was Jaxon toys it's okay

Justin: do you want to stay

Me: Justin I'm Ok I'm fine I'm happy you care but we can go

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