Spa day

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Today's Spa day so I'm really excited about that cause I get to relax and I need that with the drama that been happening. On my way their with talyor Jennifer rue and Becky were in the car

Justin POV

I was with Alfredo and them so I went and decided to call Ari to see how the spa is. After a few rings she picked up

Me: hello

??: hello

Me: who see this

???: I'm Ashley umm these five ladies are injured

Me: on my way what room

Ashley: 199

Me: okay

~at the hospital~

I went to room 199 to see my baby girl in the bed helpless.

Doctor: hi


Doctor: we'll the baby's okay

Me: wait who was pregnant

Doctor: 2 girls

Me: is she pregnant

Doctor: no um her friend Jennifer and Becky

Me: oh wow how are they

Doctor: they are sleeping but your girlfriend said a few things

Me: what

Doctor: Justin I love you I wish I could let go of what happen I will always love you do you know what she means

Me: we'll there we're a few thing that happen

Doctor: like

Me: we'll she got kidnap twice

Doctor: oh we'll Justin she wants to love you but she's holding back that a little bit because she feels like you might get mad cause of those thing

Me: thank you is it okay if I stay till they wake up

Doctor: yes

I went in the room to see Becky up

Me: Becky

Becky: yea

Me: your pregnant

Becky: yea I know

Me: why did you tell me

Becky: I found out yesterday after work

Me: we'll you know you can't be in tour cause I don't want you to harm him or her

Becky: yea I understand

Me: if you want when you come back good I will let you go the team

Becky: okay

Jen: hey guys

Me: your pregnant

Jen: I'm pregnant how many months

Me: I don't know but I'm happy for you to

Jen: thanks Justin and I know what happen

Me: what

Jen: the car crash I saw it all

Me: do you know who was in the car

Jen: yes

Me: who

Jen: it was

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