Becky G

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Becky g POV

I'm doing a music video for my song can't stop dancing and right now I get
to see whose dancing with me. In the video there these two guys that's fighting for my attention. Anyways I'm dancing having fun when both guys came in.

Me: hi I'm Becky

Guy one: James

Guy two: bradly

There both cute but James cuter I half to admit. I was stiff with the guy caue I don't know them. Then me and bradly started dancing then me and James.

Director: that was great but I want you guy to get closer cause remember your performing on the Ellen show Grammy and stuff.

Me: okay

James: wanna hang out

Me: I have a choice award today wanna be my date

James: sure

Me: the award show is at 8 so be ready at 7:30

James: okay what your address

Me: um I'm across the street from justin Bieber

James: okay

I went home and got dress all cute cause I'm going out with James. I went put on this cute outfit with sneaker and a hat. I dress girly girl but townboy at the same time. When I was ready James knocked at the door I went downstairs to see James smiling. I went and hug him a as we walked into his nice car.

Me: what's your last name

James: don't laugh i know your gonna be surprise

Me: no

James: my name is James Bieber

Me: so your

James: my dad is justin drew Bieber and my mom Ariana butera grande

Me: what

James : yeah

Me: I didn't know that

James: yeah when I was 5 my mom dropped me off at a park I walked around bored and stuff and at that time I looked like justin and usher found me walking and took me to his house and watched me and cared for me and the next week justin came by and saw me and knew I wasn't his kid so he tried to find my partnets and what i found out was my mom killed her self cause it was to much cause my father rape her and in the letter see said I look more like my father and I remix her of that day so she decided to kill her self and my father we'll he rape a bunch of women and killed himself instead of going to jail and then no one knows my other family so the kept me they loved me since the minute I walked in.

Becky: oh my god I'm so sport

James: it's okay cause I didn't need them I didn't need them then and I don't need them now what ever happen in the future I know I'm not gonna be like my dad and tape random women I won't be like my mom I won't bail on my kid no matter what I'll be there for them I'll be a real father

Becky: yeah

James: and there ain't nothing he can teach me about being a father

Becky: I know by James just forget about him

James: yeah Umm what was it like growing up

Me: hard we didn't have much money for anything

All night we were talking about everything I had amazing Time with James. James went and took me to my house and I hugged him and right as I was about to go inside James took my hand and kissed me and it was perfect.

James: will you be my girl

Me: yeah

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