Daddy FOB: Back To School

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A/N: Welcome all! I wrote this since I started school today. Hope you like this


You sniffled, watching Declan come downstairs in his white t-shirt and blue jeans.

"What's for breakfast mommy?" He asked, sliding into the kitchen table. You wiped your eyes and placed a plate of pancakes in front of your son.

"Here you go baby." You sobbed. Patrick came behind you and hugged you quickly.

"It's alright (Y/N). It's only 1st grade. He'll come home at 2:30." Patrick reminded you.

"Declan's going to 1st grade and Diana is starting high school today. I have no more babies!" You sighed melodramatically.

"Speaking of Diana, I should go get her." Patrick said before running up the stairs. He opened the door to Diana's room and gasped.

"Holy Smokes! What are you wearing? Or better yet, what aren't you wearing?" He asked, eyes wide, as he took in his daughter's appearance. Diana was wearing a crop top, and super short shorts.

"Dad, this is what everyone is wearing nowadays." Diana scoffed.

"Good thing you're not everyone." Patrick said narrowing his eyes.

When Declan was finished with breakfast you gave him a hug and kissed the top of his head.

"Be a good boy at school today. If someone makes fun of you what do you say?" You asked tearfully.

"I'm a Stump and my daddy have 5 lungs." Declan recited with a smile on his face.

"Mom, I'm not going to school!" Diana called from upstairs.

"What's wrong with this outfit?" Patrick whined. Diana came downstairs, Patrick trailing her.

"Mom, I cannot show up on my first day of freshman year looking like a freaking nun!" Diana exclaimed.

"Nuns are respectable members of our society." Patrick interjected. You looked at the black and white long sleeve shirt and jeans before looking back at your daughter.

"You look beautiful. Now, get in the car. Your father's driving.

"You guys are the worst!" Diana grumbled walking to the car. Declan just waved and skipped off.

"They grow up so fast." You sighed. 

"Yeah, I'll see you after I drop the kids off." Patrick smiled kissing you before running to the car.

*At Diana's High School*

"Come on, get out of the car." Patrick sighed.

"Everyone's gonna think I'm a prude." Diana mumbled.

"You're not a prude sweetheart. You're more like the Virgin Mary and that is how you will forever remain." Diana giggled s bit before reluctantly getting out of the car.

"Love ya!" Patrick winked, driving off. Diana walked towards the school when she noticed a presence besides her.

"H-Hey Diana." Zander Trohman stuttered. Diana blushed and smiled back.

"Hey Zand." She replied.

"You look beautiful."

"...thank you."


"I don't wanna go to school." Ruby cried. You sighed and picked up your daughter.

"Pre school is fun! You get to make lots of friends and learn stuff." You smiled encouragingly.

"But you and daddy aren't coming with me." Ruby sniffled.

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